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JABES - A 30-Year Journey of Development and Integration

JABES - A 30-Year Journey of Development and Integration

The Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies (JABES) today - formerly known as the Journal of Economic Development under the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City is a well-respected forum for submitting and publishing scientific articles on economics and business; at the same time disseminating meaningful scientific research results into practice.
Over the past 30 years of establishment, construction and development, the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies today has truly affirmed its position as a prestigious economic science journal in Vietnam, exerting its pervasiveness and influence among academic researchers, national regulators and policymakers, and aims to reach the international level.
On the morning of March 19, 2021, the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) solemnly held the 30th Anniversary Ceremony of the Establishment of the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies (1990–2020).
UEH was honored to welcome Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Van Phuc - Deputy Minister of Education and Training; Prof.Dr. Ta Ngoc Don - DiPrincipal of Department of Science, Technology and Environment, Ministry of Education and Training; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Tran Anh Tuan, Chief of Office of the State Council of Professors; Representatives of Leaders of Universities and Editor-in-Chief of scientific journals in the field of economics.
On the side of the former school leaders, there are also the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of the period, with Assoc.Prof. Dao Cong Tien - Former UEH President, Former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Dao Van Tai - Former UEH Vice President, Former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal; Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thanh Tuyen - Former UEH President, Former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal; Prof.Dr. Duong Thi Binh Minh - Former UEH Vice President, Former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal. On the side of the school leaders, there is Prof.Dr. Nguyen Dong Phong - Secretary of the Communist Party Committee, Chairman of the School Council; Prof.Dr. Su Dinh Thanh - UEH President, former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies, schools and deparments’ leaders, and all the lecturers who are members of the Editorial Board throughout the period, in charge of Special Issues (Guest Editor), reviewers, authors, collaborators, officials... of the Journal.

TAn overview of the 30th Anniversary of the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies

To open the ceremony, Prof.Dr. Su Dinh Thanh - UEH President, Former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies, delivered the opening speech and congratulated the Journal of Asian Economic and Business Studies on the occasion of its 30th Establishment Anniversary. Thereby, he also expressed his wish: "In the coming time, JABES will combine with domestic and foreign journals in the same field to form a system, a cohesive academic network, supporting each other in the publication and contribution to global knowledge."

Prof.Dr. Su Dinh Thanh - Principal of UEH, former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies shared

At the ceremony, Prof.Dr. Nguyen Trong Hoai - Vice Principal and Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies presented the Summary Report of 30 years of establishment, construction and development of the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies.
The outstanding numbers from remarkable performance results of the Journal over the past 30 years:
For the Vietnamese version of JABES (JABES-V), by the end of 2020, there are 358 Vietnamese publications; 4,600 scientific articles with a total of about 1,850 authors. The JABES-V Editorial Council currently consists of 17 members who are leading and prestigious scientists, economic experts in the scientific community, from departments/branches, major universities in country. In the period 2010–2020 (the last 10 years), the preliminary acceptance rate is 82.86%, the percentage of submissions that have passed the preliminary round accepted by the Reviewer and officially approved by the Editor-in-Chief is 37.81%. This shows that the requirement for the quality of articles is increasingly focused as well as careful and rigous reviewing process at JABES.
As for the JABES English version (JABES-E), by the end of 2020, 238 English publications have been issued, including 2,350 articles edited by JABES with a total of 1,305 authors participating in writing articles, including 31 foreign authors; 7 publications are published by Emerald International Publishing House, including 50 articles, with a total of 111 authors participating in writing articles, of which 80 are foreign authors. In particular, in 2020, the total number of articles submitted to JABES is 135 articles, the current acceptance rate is 28.2%, the number of pending articles on ScholarOne is 16; The JABES-E Editorial Council operates according to international standards, including 33 members who are prestigious researchers from 18 countries around the world (Vietnam, Australia, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Russia, Singapore, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States), the proportion of members of the International Editorial Boarrd accounts for 94% of the total number of members (only Editor-in-Chief and Deputy Editor-in-Chief are Vietnamese). The Editorial Board consists of 25 members who are famous scientists from 11 countries around the world supporting the Council of Ministers in the strategic direction of JABES development approaching international standards, soon joining the Scopus system. The journal in the category of scientific journals is graded by the State Council for Professor Title of Vietnam (in Economics), whereby, from 2017, the author is entitled to up to 1.25 points for a paper on JABES in the English version. JABES owns a large database with over 20,000 emails from researchers around the world, especially focusing on Asia.

Prof.Dr. Nguyen Trong Hoai - Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies summarizes 30 years of establishment, construction and development of the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies.
Besides, Prof.Dr. Nguyen Trong Hoai also emphasized on JABES Journal's Plan in the coming years including:
- Increasing domestic and international identity, improving academic prestige: Continue to implement 6 special publications of JABES-V in 2021 with many related topics after Covid-19; JABES Seminar Talks (JST) series on a monthly basis; Asia Conference on Business and Economic Studies (ACBES) with the participation of Keynote Speakers from international journals A, A*.
- Determined to 2023 put JABES in the list of journals meeting SCOPUS standards, in which with the past roadmap: ACI (2015); Emerald International Publishing House evaluates JABES-E corresponding to SCOPUS Journal Q3 or Q2 from Citescore = 1 data; Expected Roadmap: ESCI (2021) and Scopus (2023).
Attending the ceremony, Assoc.Prof.Dr Nguyen Van Phuc - Deputy Minister of Education and Training, on behalf of the Ministry's leaders, said: "JABES is now a scientific journal specialized in economics category 1 with quality and operating procedures according to international standards. In 2012, the Ministry of Education and Training approved the SCOPUS international standard English edition of the Journal of Economic Development project for the period 2013–2017 and recently by the Council of Economic Professors especially the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies Upgrading Project to join the SCOPUS system in the period 2020–2023, which was approved by the Ministry in 2020.
The Deputy Minister is very pleased that the Journal has effectively used this funding source to complete the website system of posting articles, managing articles and online reviewers; the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies quickly joined the ASEAN Citation Index database system in 2015; successfully organized 4 international scientific conferences on Asian Business and Economic and became an annual activity attracting a large number of scientists, professors, experts, lecturers, graduate students ... attendees from many countries around the world. In particular, the name change to the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies in 2018 and the first edition of the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies officially appeared on Emerald Publishing a major turning point in developing the publishing-oriented Journal of international research that contributes to global knowledge, as well as improving the conditions for joining Scopus such as associating with the Emerald Publishing House; internationalization of editorial boards and author writing.
Thanks to the very high efforts of the Editorial Board, the Editorial Council and the journal's staff, it is clear the successive achievements that the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies have achieved, such as: Standardizing the team of the International Editorial Board by inviting professors who are Editor-in-Chief of international journals A and A* for each column in charge, restructuring the Editorial Board and the Private Council. with international experts. In particular, in the complicated situation of the Covid-19 epidemic, the Journal actively and creatively connects with the domestic and international scientific community through inviting prestigious scientists from countries JABES Seminar Talks (JST) with the participation of speakers who are the world's leading scientists for very current topics such as Game theory, Reviews on Nobel Prizes."

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Van Phuc - Deputy Minister of Education and Training made a speech.

It can be said that 30 years is a long period to be able to affirm the prestigious brand, for the journal to achieve such a strong position as today, we must mention the excellent contributions of the Editors throughout the time period for the construction and development process of the Journal of Asian Economic and Business Studies over the past 30 years. The University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, has organized the ceremony of gratitude to send deep thanks to the Editor-in-Chief throughout the period.

UEH leaders gave flowers and gratitude gifts to Assoc.Prof Dao Cong Tien - Former UEH Vice President, former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal, period 1990-1992

UEH leaders gave flowers and gratitude gifts to Assoc. Dao Van Tai - Former UEH Vice President, former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal period 1992–1998

UEH leaders gave flowers and gratitude gifts to Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thanh Tuyen - Former UEH President, former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal period 1999-2007

UEH leaders gave flowers and gratitude gifts to Prof.Dr. Duong Thi Binh Minh - Former UEH Vice President, former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal period 2008-2016

UEH leaders gave flowers and gratitude gifts to Prof.Dr. Su Dinh Thanh - UEH Presidentl, former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal period 2016-2020
Also at the ceremony, Asian Business and Economic Research was honored to receive the Certificate of Merit from the Minister of Education and Training for outstanding achievements in building and developing units in the 1991 period– 2021.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Van Phuc - Deputy Minister awarded Certificate of Merit from the Minister of Education and Training and congratulatory flowers to the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies.

In 2020, the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies officially implemented a volume for Journal of Economic Mathematics and 6 special issues for JABES-V Magazine in 2021, including Finance - Banking, Applied Mathematics, Corporate Social Responsibility, Labor and Employment, Management Information Systems, Socio-Economic Transformation and Post-COVID-19 Business. On the occasion of the 30th anniversary, the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies also launched and gave thanks to the teachers who agreed to collaborate and accept the invitation of being in charge of the Special Topics and Issues by JABES-V.

The Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies presents a thank-you gift to the lecturers who are guest editors of JABES's Special Issues .
Also at the ceremony, UEH Principal awarded certificates of merit to the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies Collective and the individuals who have made many contributions to the journal's development.

UEH leaders awarded certificates of merit to the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies

UEH leaders awarded certificates of merit to individuals for their outstanding contributions to the development of the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies

UEH leaders awarded certificates of merit to the authors whose articles are most cited in the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies

UEH leaders awarded certificates of merit to the authors whose articles are most cited in the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies

UEH leaders award certificates of merit to reviewers who have made many positive contributions to the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies
The 30th anniversary celebration of the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies took place in a solemn and cozy atmosphere. Hopefully, with the efforts and achievements gained over the past 30 years and the determination of the Editorial Board and the JABES team, JABES Journal will soon achieve the goal of joining the SCOPUS system by 2023.
Some other photos at the ceremony:

News, photo: the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies, Department of Marketing - Communication.