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More than 95,000 applications received for UEH 2021 Admissions

More than 95,000 applications received for UEH 2021 Admissions

The Office of Admissions at University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) announces the results of UEH Enrollment for 2021, in which students are evaluated using 4 distinct methodologies. This is applicable for all UEH Campuses within Ho Chi Minh City and our Mekong Delta Branch - UEH Vinh Long. From a preliminary glance, UEH is among students’ top choice for its excellence in academic performance and high-quality facility.
In 2021, UEH calls on full-time undergraduate admissions applications for UEH Ho Chi Minh City (Admissions Code: KSA), the Mekong Delta Branch - UEH Vinh Long (Admissions Code: KSV), and the Bachelor of Elite BBUS with UEH International School of Business (ISB). Through the following 6 admissions evaluation methodologies, 4 of which are unique to UEH only, the university has received approximately 95,000 formal applications with more than 200,000 submissions of “intent to enroll” from students nationwide:  
  1. Direct Admissions in accordance with the regulations from the Ministry of Education and Training
  2. Direct Admissions based on the National High School Examination
  3. Admissions Evaluation for students graduating from a foreign high school program and having an international certificate 
  4. Admissions Evaluation based on the Excellent Student Ranking
  5. Admissions Evaluation based on cumulative GPA from 3 chosen subjects
  6. Admissions Evaluation based on the National University Entrance Competency Examination 
As of today, June 11, 2021, UEH is formally announcing the results and admissions decisions from its 4 unique admissions methods, numbered (3) - (6) above. With a modern educational philosophy aiming at a comprehensive evaluation of students’ performance and potential, UEH makes its decisions based on a variety of factors and not solely on their cumulative GPA. More specifically, method (4) Admissions Evaluation based on the Excellent Student Ranking had UEH looked into 5 separate criteria, with all of them being appropriately weighted to calculate the conversion score, which is then used for admissions:
  • Current student at a Specialized or Gifted High School
  • Good morale/behavior record
  • A cumulative GPA of 8.0 or above (from grade 10-12)
  • IELTS band 6.0 or above
  • Ranked in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd place in National Excellent Student Examinations
The above method is also applicable for method (5) Admissions Evaluation based on cumulative GPA from 3 chosen subjects, with the only difference being item c, meaning instead of the cumulative GPA, UEH will only look into the average score of the student’s 3 most favorable/chosen subjects. Additionally, UEH also takes into account the results from the National University Entrance Competency Examination for Phase 1 of UEH 2021 Admissions Cycle. 
Admitted students across UEH Ho Chi Minh City Campuses had excellent records
This year’s enrollment records shows that UEH Ho Chi Minh City Campus (Admissions Code: KSA) continues to be among students’ top choices when choosing universities. Phase 1 benchmark scores also confirmed that most, if not all, admitted students to UEH have demonstrated constant excellent academic performance, across all disciplines be it a “hot” major or not. 
More explicitly, the conversion benchmark scores for method (4) and (5) for highly sought after majors such as International Business, International Finance, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, and Marketing is between 70 - 85. This essentially means that all admitted students have achieved a cumulative GPA of 9.0 or above and met all other requirements as indicated above. Alternatively, should students be admitted to these majors using the results from the National University Entrance Competency Examination, then their scores must be between 950 - 1000, which is remarkably high and competitive. 
For the remaining majors, all of which are among UEH’s long-standing training records, such as Business Administration, Finance - Banking, Commercial Business, Accounting - Auditing, Investment Economics, Tourism Management, E-Commerce or English Linguistics, the benchmark scores are between 55 - 70. In comparison to last year’s scores, there is a 15-point increase in 2021 for each of the majors listed. In order to meet this baseline, students must have at least an 8.5 or above GPA with IELTS 6.5 or above. In the case that the student’s IELTS is only at band 6.0, they must also have proof of Excellent Student Ranking to be considered for the following majors: Commercial Business, E-Commerce, HR Management, Data Science and Software Engineering.
Besides, other less popular majors from past enrollment cycles such as AgriBusiness, Insurance, Public Governance or Hospital Management actually saw quite high placement scores and recruited mainly Excellent Students this year. Other new majors such as Architecture or Smart Urban Design (under Urban Architecture) also began to gain traction and signups from a lot of applicants, especially those in excellent ranking and under direct admissions. 
On a high note, admissions method (3) Evaluation for students graduating from a foreign high school program and having an international certificate was recently added this year in response to the uncharted waters brought about by COVID-19. All applicants using this method are qualified candidates who exhibit excellent academic records, either having graduated from a prestigious international high school and/or having been accredited with an International Baccalaureate, A-Levels from Cambridge University from the UK, SAT Scores from the US, or exceptional IELTS score reports. 
Gifted Students’ First Choice: ISB Talented Bachelor’s Program 
Implementing the same admissions methods with KSA but under a different code, the Talented Bachelor’s Program of UEH International School of Business (ISB) is undoubtedly most students’ top choices when it comes to receiving a fully English-speaking undergraduate learning experience. In order to be considered, students must meet the following requirements:
  • Current a student at a Specialized or Gifted High School
  • Be in the Good - Excellent ranking based on their cumulative GPA (or the average score of their 3 chosen key subjects)
  • IELTS band 6.0 or above
  • Have been nominated for and won respective recognition/awards from Excellent Student Examination of all levels. 
According to the UEH Office of Admissions, this year’s cycle received nearly 900 applications from eligible applicants nationwide. 
UEH Vinh Long Campus (KSV) saw an overall increase in both quantity and quality of admissions, with the remaining 50% of target being reliant on the results of the National High School Examination
This year’s enrollment records indicate that UEH Vinh Long (Admissions Code: KSV) accumulated a significant increase in the number of applications as opposed to the 2020 cycle across all disciplines, including “hot” programs such as Business Administration, Finance - Banking, International Business, E-Commerce, etc., as well as other new majors at this campus such as AgriBusiness, English Linguistics, Economics Law, Tourism Management and Marketing. 
The enrollment results show that the average conversion score to be admitted has increased by 5-6 points per major compared to 2020, resulting in the selection of most qualified applicants with GPA of 7.0 or above.
In particular, admissions method (4), Admissions Evaluation based on the Excellent Student Ranking, accounted for about 35% of the total admissions target, with successful candidates having a cumulative GPA of 8.4 or above. According to the Office of Admissions, UEH Vinh Long Campus gained special interests from 13 provinces/cities within the Mekong Delta Regions and other areas nationwide such as Ho Chi Minh City, Quang Tri, Gia Lai, Dak Lak, Dak Nong, Lam Dong, etc., as admissions is open to AgriBusiness, English Linguistics and E-Commerce, Tourism Management. 
Having said that, UEH Vinh Long is still waiting to fill the remaining 50% of their 2021 admissions target using the results from the National High School Examination. Nationwide applicants should note that they are now able to apply to the following programs to continue reaping the comparable benefits from a high-quality academic environment at UEH in the Mekong Delta region: AgriBusiness, English Linguistics, E-Commerce, Tourism Management (See details)

Drawing from the published results above, Associate Professor Nguyen Khac Quoc Bao - Head of UEH Training Department shared: “Most admitted students have demonstrated excellent academic performance along with exceeding language proficiency expectations, most of whom are also students from the nation’s foremost Specialized and Gifted high schools. On that note, for those applying and awaiting admissions decisions using the results from the National High School Examination in 2021, do consider thoroughly your choices, be it KSA or KSV, to further increase your chances to enroll at UEH”
The year 2021 also marks UEH’s first deployment of 4 dual-degree programs, in hopes of bringing about strong competitive advantages and convenience for learners in various areas, such as having an open & flexible training curriculum. IT is expected that students would have more room to accumulate more diverse knowledge and partake in transfer programs easier along the way. More specifically, the 4 programs include AgriBusiness - Logistics & Supply Chain Management; Insurance - Finance; Public Governance - Law; and the AgriBusiness - International Business uniquely created for those enrolling at UEH Vinh Long.
UEH is slowly but surely securing its status as a prestigious higher education institution that can provide excellent and high-quality young talents to the professional world. Operating on the basis of “Teaching and Learning from other international institutions worldwide”, UEH’s passionate faculty members are exceptionally skillful and always place strong emphasis on outstanding student intake along with new, innovative and cutting edge training programs. 
► See details of admission results at: www.tuyensinhdaihoc.mediadasar.com (result link) or //tuyensinh.mediadasar.com/tin-tuc/2476
News, photos: Training Department, International School of Business ISB, UEH Vinh Long Campus, Department of Marketing and Communication