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"Propaganda and guidance on extinguishing fire, explosions and accidents" Activities for UEH students

"Propaganda and guidance on extinguishing fire, explosions and accidents" Activities for UEH students

In order to propagate and disseminate legal knowledge and skills on fire prevention, extinguishment and rescue, on September 15, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) coordinated with the  Ho Chi Minh City Police Department to organize the activity "Propaganda and guidance on extinguishing fire, explosions and accidents" at UEH. The program attracted more than 250 students to participate with updated useful knowledge concerning fire prevention, extinguishment and rescue.

Fire prevention, fire extinguishment and rescue are very important jobs, helping to minimize the risks that fire and explosion cause to people and property in daily life. To improve effectiveness in fire prevention and extinguishment, each person needs to increase their self-awareness, responsibility and be equipped with basic knowledge when an explosion or fire occurs.

Understanding the importance of fire prevention and extinguishment, on September 15, 2023, UEH coordinated with Ho Chi Minh City Police Department to implement the activity "Propaganda and guidance on extinguishing fire, explosions and accidents" for UEH students. Within the framework of the program, attractive and practical activities were organized, including a workshop to propagate fire prevention knowledge at Hall B1.302 for 250 UEH students; practicing using fire extinguisher equipment and fire hoses; rehearsing hypothetical incident situations, helping students practice how to escape from a fire or explosion incident at the UEH Dormitory.

Overview of the propaganda session on how to extinguish fire, explosions and accidents for UEH students

Through the activities, UEH students better understood their responsibilities and duties of strictly complying with the law on fire prevention and rescue to protect their lives and property.

Captain Nguyen Quoc Dat - Fire Prevention Propaganda Officer - instructing important knowledge concerning fire prevention to UEH students at Hall B1.302

Instructing students to practice using fire extinguisher equipment and fire hoses

UEH students rehearsing hypothetical incidents and practiced how to escape from fire and explosion incidents at Dormitory 135 Tran Hung Dao

Over the past time, UEH Leaders have always paid special attention, directed and reminded to warrant the fire prevention and to rescue work at UEH so as to regularly improve, train and re-train the Fire Fighting Team, ensuring all members of the Fire Fighting Team to complete the fire prevention and to rescue training course organized by the Fire Prevention and Rescue Police Department (PC07). Periodically every year, UEH will coordinate with PC07 to organize propaganda sessions on fire prevention and rescue and provide instructions on how to handle accidents for the University's staff and students in addition to regularly coordinating with PC07 to organize fire prevention rehearsals at all campuses.

Regularly organizing rehearsals to update knowledge

In addition, UEH always focuses on investing in fire protection systems and fire protection equipment at all campuses, ensuring compliance with current regulatory standards on fire prevention and extinguishment. Inspection and maintenance of the fire protection system are carried out on a weekly basis to ensure the system is always ready to operate.

UEH campuses being equipped with full fire protection systems

Prof.Dr. Su Dinh Thanh - UEH President - emphasized: "UEH has achieved positive changes in fire prevention and control recently thanks to receiving enthusiastic coordination and support from authorities and local leaders". In the upcoming period, UEH hopes to be taken care of by units and be guided on knowledge and methods to guarantee fire safety and rescue at the campuses for staff and students of the University. Besides, human issues are always the most important, so ensuring human safety requires a long and thorough process. Therefore, the propaganda to educate officials and students about fire prevention and rescue must be carried out regularly and continuously."

Fire prevention and extinguishment is a common responsibility of the entire society. Therefore, together with the Fire and Rescue Police force, every citizen, every local authority, every agency and organization needs to actively participate in the all-people fire prevention and fighting movement, considering that is one of the important tasks as the motto "Each citizen is a soldier on the front of fire prevention". With these efforts, ensuring fire safety and prevention will be effective; Fire and explosion accidents are gradually being pushed back, contributing to building an increasingly peaceful and prosperous country./.

Additional images of fire prevention propaganda activities for UEH students:

News and photos: UEH Department of Marketing and Communication, UEH Fire Prevention and Extinguishment Team