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Summer School in Bayesian Statistics and Computation 2023

Summer School in Bayesian Statistics and Computation 2023

Summer School in Bayesian Statistics and Computation is an activity hosted by the UEH College of Technology and Design and the Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics in collaboration with the School of Mathematics - Statistics and the Institute of Applied Mathematics of the UEH College of Technology and Design from July 13, 2023, lasting for 10 consecutive days. The program took place successfully and attracted the attention of researchers, lecturers, and students domestically and abroad.

Summer School in Bayesian Statistics and Computation 2023 was organized for the first time with the aim of introducing advanced researchers, lecturers and students to fundamental and modern topics in Bayesian Statistics and Computation. The program enhances the interaction between students, lecturers, domestic researchers and the world's leading researchers in statistics and machine learning. The Summer School in Bayesian Statistics and Computation is an activity that has caught the attention of academia this summer.

Overview of the Opening Ceremony of Bayesian Statistics and Computation Summer School

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Dr. Dinh Cong Khai - Vice President of UEH - stated: “In UEH's Sustainable and Multidisciplinary Development Strategy, the field of Mathematics - Statistics plays an important role in almost all other fields. For many years, UEH has been continuing to coordinate with domestic and foreign units to connect and develop, especially the cooperation with the Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics to organize training courses and academic activities, with the aim of connecting, enhancing cooperation and promoting scientific research and development in the field of Mathematics - Statistics. 2023 is the first time that the Summer School in Bayesian Statistics and Computation will be held, UEH hopes to coordinate with the Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics and domestic and foreign units in the future to create opportunities for scholars, lecturers and students to exchange and to gain more knowledge and new ideas in the research and development of Mathematics and Statistics in Vietnam”.

Dr. Dinh Cong Khai speaking at the Opening Ceremony of Summer School in Bayesian Statistics and Computation

Representative of the Organizing Committee, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Minh Ha - Executive Director of the Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics – affirmed: “In the National Key Program for Math Development in the period of 2021 to 2030, the Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics has collaborated with many other organizations and individuals. domestically and abroad, especially in collaboration with the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City in organizing training courses on basic and advanced statistics for lecturers in the South for many years. The first Summer School in Bayesian Statistics and Computation in 2023 - designed by Prof. Nguyen Xuan Long (University of Michigan, USA) and the Program Committee, consisting of domestic and foreign members - will be the beginning of a series of quality summer schools in statistics in the coming years. Through this year's Summer School, attending lecturers, students, and researchers have access to basic and in-depth knowledge of Bayesian statistics, connect with professors and colleagues, share and practice research in Statistics, especially Bayesian Statistics, together with leading professors and experts in the field domestically and abroad, and create strong connections, helping to develop Statistics in Vietnam."

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Minh Ha - Executive Director of the Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics sharing at the opening ceremony of the Summer School in Bayesian Statistics and Computation

Summer School in Bayesian Statistics and Computation is the first activity organized, with the chairmanship of Prof. Nguyen Xuan Long. At the opening ceremony, Prof. Nguyen Xuan Long introduced and shared interesting things related to the implementation of the Summer School, with the hope that this will be a premise for the development and implementation of the annual Summer School activities in the coming years with many new topics revolving around Math and Statistics, thereby, creating an academically meaningful environment for scholars, lecturers and students, interacting with world-leading professors, and bringing a lot of academic value in teaching and future research.

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Long - University of Michigan, USA - Head of Program Department and Chairman of Summer School in Bayesian Statistics and Computation

Professors of the Summer School in Bayesian Statistics and Computation and speakers of the Workshop attending the Opening Ceremony

Summer School in Bayesian Statistics and Computation includes academic series and parallel activities with 16 lectures on Bayesian Statistics and Computation by 07 professors from prestigious universities around the world, focusing on the contents: Basic Statistics and Basic Bayesian Statistics by Prof. Surya Tokar (Duke University, USA), Prof. Jaeyong Lee (Seoul National University, Korea) and Prof. A.W. van der Vaart (Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics, TU Delft, Netherlands); Bayesian computation by Prof. Christian Robert (Paris Dauphine University, France and the University of Warwick, USA) and Prof. Alexandre H.Thiery (National University of Singapore); and the content on Random Process and Non-parametric Bayesian Statistics by Prof.Antonio Lijoi and Prof. Igor Pruenster (Bocconi University, Italy).

In addition, within the framework of the Summer School, Workshop on Bayesian Statistics was held, including 08 papers and presentations by domestic and foreign researchers and speakers with the participation of more than 150 lecturers, researchers and students from domestic and foreign universities.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Trinh Thuy Anh - Vice Head of UEH College of Technology and Design - speaking at the Workshop on Bayesian Statistics

Presentations at the workshop sharing the latest research and latest advances in Bayesian statistics, and practical applications cover the following topics:

  • Ho Pham Minh Nhat, Assistant Professor of Statistics and Data Science, Department of Statistics and Data Science, University of Texas at Austin - On Excess Mass Behavior in Gaussian Mixture Models with Orlicz Wasserstein Distances;
  • Dr. Catherine Forbes, Associate Professor in Econometrics and Business Statistics Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics, Monash University, Australia - Family Inference;
  • Dr. Do Van Cuong, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology - A procedure for Bayesian computation for the Power-Law Process;
  • Dr. Clara Grazian, University of Sydney, Australia - Clustering MIC data through Bayesian mixture models: an application to detect M. Tuberculosis resistance mutations;
  • Dr. Hoang Van Ha, University of Science, VNU-HCM - Adaptive nonparametric estimation of a component density in a two-class mixture model;
  • Prof. Jeffrey Miller, Associate Professor of Biostatistics, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health - Reproducible inference and model selection using bagged posteriors;
  • Prof. Minwoo Chae, Associate Professor of Business Analytics, University of Sydney Business School, Australia - Statistical perspective of deep generative models.
  • Tran Minh Ngoc, Associate Professor of Business Analytics, University of Sydney Business School - Optimal Transport for Bayesian Computation.

Speakers at Bayes Statistics and Computation Workshop

Professors and speakers attending the Workshop on Bayesian Statistics and Computation.

Photos of interested lecturers, students and researchers attending the Bayesian Statistics workshop

Within the framework of the Summer School's activities, there was another exhibition to present the ideas and research results of scholars through posters to exchange and to share with the participating professors, lecturers and students attending the exhibition.

Photos related to the Exhibition of Scientific Research at the Summer School in Bayesian Statistics and Computation

In addition to academic activities, the Organizing Committee organizes extracurricular activities for lecturers and students of summer schools in the Mekong Delta. The trip is an opportunity to experience games imbued with Vietnamese cultural identity and enjoy the unique cuisine of the West River through a field trip.

Photos of the field trip to the Western provinces of Professors, Lecturers and Students attending the Summer School in Bayesian Statistics and Computation

Closing a 10-day period with lots of activities, the Summer School in Bayesian Statistics and Computation concluded and held the closing ceremony. Assoc.Prof.Dr. Trinh Thuy Anh, Vice Head of UEH College of Technology and Design, on behalf of the Organizing Committee, thanked the Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics, Prof. Nguyen Xuan Long and the Program Committee who created a useful, successful and meaningful program for the lecturers and researchers participating in the Summer School, thereby, helping to develop Mathematics - Statistics in Vietnam generally stronger in many ways. The Summer School in Bayesian Statistics and Computation will be the starting point for much of the work in this area towards a multidisciplinary and sustainable UEH.

The Organizing Committee awarding souvenirs for the presentations at the Scientific Research Exhibition within the framework of the Summer School

Representatives of the Organizing Committee, Representatives of the School of Mathematics - Statistics, and Lecturers of the Summer School awarding certificates to lecturers, students and researchers attending the Summer School

News, photos: School of Mathematics-Statistics, General Department of CTD, Marcom