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UEH News

Accelerating on a sustainable journey, being ready for new goals to improve the service quality towards UEH learners

Accelerating on a sustainable journey, being ready for new goals to improve the service quality towards UEH learners

In the context of upgrading the UEH governance model from a "single-major university" to a "multi-disciplinary university", the Department of Student Affairs (DSA) proactively exploits and applies technology in management, especially in developing a multi-channel CRM management and care system that synchronously connects the Knowledge Store, UEH switchboard, online contact channels and builds an academic advising platform, etc. The year 2023 has marked a prosperous journey, containing significant progress in improving service quality and ensuring that learners' needs are met in the most optimal way.

A 4.0 University: Accelerating on the sustainable journey

In the context of globalization, DSA constantly strives and innovates to meet the increasingly diverse needs of learners. Those efforts not only focus on improving service quality and personalization for learners but also aim to build a sustainable UEHer community through building and developing quality and authentic information exchange platforms that are easy to access and look up. In particular, the development of a multi-channel CRM management and care system that synchronously connects the Knowledge Store, UEH switchboard, and online contact channels has helped form the habit of proactively searching for information related to content, regulations, and processes at UEH. At the same time, the integration of the new system allows users to proactively send requests for information that has not been found or send comments and feedback to functional units at UEH, helping learners' and partners’ needs and questions be handled in a streamlined and time-saving manner.

2023 is also a milestone year for the birth of the  UEH Advisor Platform, which helps enhance information exchange between academic advisors and students. This is considered an important bridge between the school and students, implementing digitalization in consulting and advising at the University. Students can access and proactively grasp advisor contact information, announcements, and class schedules for each semester and conduct opinion surveys on periodic advising activities directly at the platform, replacing the previous traditional form of assessment.

In addition to building information exchange platforms, DSA still maintains the effectiveness of the UEH electronic transaction portal with 85 online public services and received more than 41,206 service registrations to serve learners' requirements. At the same time, DSA also applies technology to form green travel habits by integrating the "Unipass smart card" into the UEH Student application. From November 2023, UEH students can apply electronic student cards to use public bus services in Ho Chi Minh City. Along with the sustainable journey, the UEH Shuttle bus deployed by DSA has become a powerful friend of UEHer on the journey to school, bringing convenience and speed to learners in moving between campuses. UEH facilities the best way with 10 buses per day. With practical technology applications, DSA has contributed to building a green, civilized, modern network towards UEH Green Campus - a green, clean, circular, and sustainable university.

Systems and platforms improving the quality of student care and support activities at UEH

Building an equitable, positive community and promoting comprehensive development

With the "Learner-centered" motto, DSA focuses on mental health care, integrating community values into activities to improve the quality of student life, build an equal and positive community, and develop comprehensively.

For more than three years of managing and organizing consulting and support activities through personalized counseling sessions, mental health care programs, and psychology-themed articles, DSA has created a safe, sympathetic sharing space for learners as they face challenges in school life. Consulting and psychological support services help solve modern psychological problems and help learners become more confident and stronger, maintaining positivity in the learning process and lifelong career development.

At the same time, DSA develops and implements programs aimed at eliminating barriers, ensuring the rights of all members of the learning community, and encouraging participation in academic and extracurricular activities, listed as the "Olympic of Marxist-Leninist and Ho Chi Minh's ideology 2023", soft skills training programs, career seminars, "Traditional sports festival for UEH student", "UEH art performance festival", with second prize for at the national "Student Singing" final round, cultural competitions, orientation programs, and orientation weeks to emphasize moral education, traditional culture, and aesthetic values, physical and health foundation associated with international integration capacity to innovate and make a difference for UEH students. Those are clear achievements of DSA in building a dynamic and diverse community, creating a positive supportive environment, and shaping the comprehensive development of learners during their time studying at university.

Activities building an equitable, positive student community and promoting comprehensive development.

Upgrading the quality of student support activities and international integration

Like an extended arm accompanying learners on their development journey, close-knit connections with partners and businesses have created thousands of internship and job opportunities for students during the year. Through the UEH Sharing - Career Fair, mock interviews and business visits are rich networking events, creating a direct meeting space between students and reputable businesses. In addition, the companionship from businesses and sponsoring partners has awarded hundreds of scholarships and financial support with a total value of up to billions of VND, contributing to supporting many excellent students with the opportunity to keep pursuing education.

In a multidisciplinary and sustainable effort, activities improving English skills and spreading international values in 2023 will focus on investing in expertise, diverse content, closeness, and practicality for learners. The English exchange activities held weekly and monthly at the UEH English Zone are methodically and novelly designed for the UEHer community to practice basic and intensive English to help form language reflexes and adaptation to the multicultural and multilingual environment at UEH.

Student support activities and international integration

Ready for new goals

Pioneering in the digital transformation journey, aiming for smart universities and meeting the needs of new trends, DSA has been constantly striving to bring quality products for caring and supporting learners and partners, continuing to promote the application of technology in management, and enhancing connections to open up opportunities and prospects for future cooperation to bring more value to learners. With dedication and thoughtfulness, along with a team of professionally trained personnel with considerate attitudes, DSA has created many playgrounds and bridges to help learners confidently acquire knowledge, become generations of global citizens capable of competing in the future labor market, as well as actively and responsibly participating in the community to build a UEHer community that always develops sustainably. The new year promises new challenges and new opportunities during which sustainable orientations will continue to be DSA's focus in the journey to enhance the quality of caring and supporting learners.

News, photos: Department of Student Affairs  (DSA)