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UEH News

Conference of Officials and Employees of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City in 2022

Conference of Officials and Employees of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City in 2022

On the morning of 14th January 2022, at Auditorium B1.302, Campus B (279 Nguyen Tri Phuong), University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) solemnly held a Conference of Officials and Employees in 2022 with the participation of 154 unelected delegates and those who elected from UEH-affiliated Conference of Officials and Employees.

Attending the conference, there was Prof. Nguyen Dong Phong - Chairman of UEH Council, Prof. Su Dinh Thanh - President, Dr. Bui Quang Hung - Vice President, Assoc. Prof. Phan Thi Bich Nguyet - Chairwoman of Strategy and Policy Advisory Board, Dr. Bui Quang Viet - Chairman of UEH Union, and UEH-affiliated officials’ and employees’ representatives.

Overview of the conference

At the conference opening, Dr. Bui Quang Viet - Chairman of UEH Union reported the contributive summary of the Unit-level Conference of officials and employees.

Dr. Bui Quang Viet - Chairman of UEH Union reporting at the conference

Subsequently, Dr. Nguyen Phuoc Bao An - Head of People’s Inspectorate reported activities in 2021 and plans for 2022.

Dr. Nguyen Phuoc Bao An - Head of People’s Inspectorate reporting at the Conference

Evaluating achieved results in 2021, Prof. Su Dinh Thanh - President of UEH shared: “The past academic year continues to be an impressively successful year of UEH. To upgrade the position and assure sustainable development, UEH has focused on promoting the UEH restructuring process, as well as advancing step-by-step management capabilities adapting to competitiveness and higher education internationalization requirements. UEH has rapidly examined comprehensively training programs, unified full-time and part-time training courses, professionalized traditional and admission processes, built team-quality advanced plans, boosted technology applications, invested in modernizing facilities, and so on. Therefore, UEH has obtained lots of positive achievements in scientific research, training, and management.”

Prof. Su Dinh Thanh President of UEH declaring core operating orientation in 2022

In terms of management and operation, UEH Units have acquired high target scores in advancing the quality of English and doctoral teams, increasing the number of lecturers and international specialists, guaranteeing expenses as annual financial plans, and diversifying receipts. In terms of facility-information technology, 100% of units have gained digitalized and operated data-integrated standards, completed applying mobile-integrating applications for officials and learners, intensifying image and activity communication of UEH internally and on national and international social media. 2021 also marks UEH in carrying out a restructuring strategy forming a Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University, launching 3 Member Colleges (UEH College of Business; UEH College of Economics, Law and Government; UEH College of Technology and Design).

In terms of training activities, regardless of the Covid-19 pandemic context, UEH accomplished admission numbers of training modes issued in 2021, developed dual-degree programs of UEH, completed internationally accredited programs (re-accredited and lately accredited), raised the training quality adapting to social requirements, and promoted English language teaching and Blended learning. Training programs of UEH have been acclaimed by the Top 500 World Universities and Global Career Development Association. Especially during this year, responding to the Covid-19 pandemic, UEH has been implementing teaching and learning in accordance with the “Hybrid Class” modality.

In terms of scientific research activities, knowledge-imparting consultancy, and innovation, UEH has attained outstanding achievements in scientific research with 490 international publication submissions in reputable regulated categories (ISI/Scopus/ABDC), 2 topics, and State-level projects accepted in 2021, 2 accepted Nafosted topics, 21 registered Ministry/Provincial/City-level topics/projects and equivalent, 102 university-level topics/projects registered during the year, 164 scientific research topics of students in all levels accepted during the year. In 2021, UEH held 22 international conferences and 2 national scientific conferences, simultaneously, supported the participation and the role of UEH lecturers in national and international conferences and consultancy, imparted and maintained UEH startup incubation, called external investment for scientific research activities and domestic technology transferring. During the past few years, UEH’s position has enhanced remarkably on international rankings: UEH is the first and only economics-major university being present on QS Asian Rankings 2022 (551+), ranked 9/179 Vietnamese Universities according to Webometrics (moved up 02 positions compared to 2020).

In terms of international relations activities, UEH extends international affiliation activities with reliable partners, advancing activities of research-cooperated specialists and expanding international UEH-affiliated expert and scholar networks, continues lecturer, expert, and international student exchange activities.

Considering achievements obtained in 2021, Prof. Su Dinh Thanh placed the emphasis on core fields in 2022 including: (1) Training activities; (2) Quality Accreditation - Program Development; (3) Scientific Research - International Relations; (4) Societal Impact Promotion; (5) Management and Restructure. “UEH Party Committee, Council, and Board of Management do rely upon lecturers and management officials who will unstoppably make efforts in the new academic year, consolidate to accomplish together missions of the academic year, especially restructure successfully, forming a future Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University. We believe to create considerable differences for UEH, marking UEH significant progress in the development process obeying the new structure.” - Prof. Su Dinh Thanh remarked.

Finalizing the conference, Prof. Nguyen Dong Phong - Chairman of UEH Council shared his delightful emotion on achievements UEH attained in 2021 and gratitude for UEHers’ contributive efforts. Remarking on the strategic orientation of UEH in 2022, he stated: “Towards evolving University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City to be a Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University, highly reputable in the fields of training, researching, and consulting economic science, business, law, management, technology, and design, is UEH the strategic target of UEH in the 2021 - 2025 period and the upcoming years. UEH is sustainable in the Vietnamese market, and, step by step, directing steadily to the Asian and international market on training human resources in terms of scientific research and international publication, being present in Asian and international rankings. To carry out these strategic targets, UEH determines to conduct strategic orientation in 2022 as follows: (1) Restructuring UEH, forming a Multidisciplinary and sustainable University, (2) Internationalization and multi-disciplinary, multi-field education, technology application, and innovation, (3) Promoting academic and applied research to attain the research-orientated university target, (4) Expanding domestic and international relations, (5) Modern university management serving well for training, scientific research, domestic and international relations, (6) Upgrading IT Application in training, scientific research, and university management.” He emphasized that, at UEH, human factor - human resources team is always the key factor leading to the success of UEH. Therefore, UEH usually concentrates on investing in concerning and taking care of lecturers, officials, and employees in all activities.

Prof Nguyen Dong Phong - Chairman of UEH Council remarking on strategic orientation in 2022

The conference took place in an exciting atmosphere with a highly determined spirit of all participating delegates, agreeing and approving the contents of the Resolution of the Conference of Officials and Employees in 2022.

With all achievements obtained in the past few years, UEHers will continue enhancing the creative and dynamic spirit, advancing operating and managing competence, consolidating and determining to successfully conduct the targets and strategic orientation issued to develop UEH to be multidisciplinary and reputable in Vietnam, and Asian Region - a sustainably developed university, contributing remarkably to serving Vietnamese eco-society and more and more strongly stepping on the internationalization journey.

Additional photos related to the conference:

News, photos: Department of Marketing and Communication