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Conference of UEH Officials and Employees 2024

Conference of UEH Officials and Employees 2024

On the morning of January 15, 2024, at Hall A.103, University of Economics (UEH) Ho Chi Minh City solemnly organized the Conference of Officials and Employees 2024 with the goal of evaluating the results achieved in 2023 and sharing key tasks and strategic directions of UEH in 2024.

The conference was attended by Prof.Dr. Nguyen Dong Phong - Party Committee Secretary, Chairman of the University Council; Prof.Dr. Su Dinh Thanh - Director of UEH; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Bui Quang Hung - Deputy Director of UEH; Dr. Dinh Cong Khai - Deputy Director of UEH; Prof.Dr. Nguyen Khac Quoc Bao - Deputy Director of UEH; Assoc.Prof.D. Phan Thi Bich Nguyet - Chairwoman of the Strategy and Policy Advisory Council; Dr. Nguyen Thien Duy - Chairman of UEH Union; with the participation of 179 ex-officio and elected delegates from the conference of officials and employees of affiliated units.

Overview of the conference

Opening the conference, Dr. Nguyen Thien Duy - Chairman of UEH Union - summarized the comments from the conference of officials and employees at the unit level; and Dr. Nguyen Phuoc Bao An - Head of the People's Inspection Committee - reported on the activities of the People's Inspection Committee 2023.

Dr. Nguyen Thien Duy - Chairman of UEH Union at the conference

Dr. Nguyen Phuoc Bao An - Head of the People's Inspection Committee at the Conference

Prof.Dr. Su Dinh Thanh – President of UEH - evaluated the achievements during the year in the following areas: Training; Scientific Research, Consulting on Knowledge Transfer and Innovation; Connecting Domestic and International Communities; Administration; and Operating according to Sustainable Development. Accordingly, in the past year, UEH has completed its enrollment targets for all levels/modes; completed training plans and testing, ensuring educational quality accreditation of programs; developed new training programs; and enhanced business connections.

UEH has obtained impressive achievements in scientific research activities, consulting on knowledge transfer and innovation listed as increasing research topics at all levels, promoting and improving the quality of student research activities, maintaining the quantity and quality of international publications, enhancing UEH's academic reputation; successfully organizing national and international scientific conferences; promoting consulting activities on technology transfer, startups, and innovation.

Domestic and international community connection activities have been maintained and increased well, and many exchange programs for lecturers, international experts and students have been successfully organized.

Along with that are positive results in management activities from human resources, finance, facilities, information technology, brand positioning communications, to wards operating in accordance with the sustainable development.

“Based on the results achieved in the past year, the key tasks that units need to carry out in 2024 include (1) Training activities; (2) Quality accreditation; (3) Social impacts enhancement; (4) Scientific research - International cooperation; (5) Managing and Restructuring. The Board of Directors believes that teachers and management officials will make unremitting efforts in the new academic year, unite to perform well the year's tasks, and help UEH develop according to the University sustainable strategy” - Prof.Dr. Su Dinh Thanh emphasized.

Prof.Dr. Su Dinh Thanh evaluating the performance in 2023 and the orientation of 2024 

The conference took place successfully with a high spirit of determination from all delegates, unanimously approving the draft Resolution of the Conference of Officials and Employees 2024.

Delegates unanimously approving the contents of the draft Resolution of the Conference of Officials and Employees 2024 

Summarizing the conference, Prof.Dr. Nguyen Dong Phong - Chairman of the University Council - expressed his joy about the tasks that the UEH team has excellently completed in the following activities: training, research, science, consulting, and administration, and grateful for the efforts and contributions of all UEHers in 2023. Speaking about UEH's strategic orientation from now to 2030, he emphasized: "The tasks that UEH units need to perform include: (1) Deploying the contents of the Restructuring Project sequentially until June 2025; (2) Implementing well enrollment activities at all levels in 2024; (3) Having an internal quality assurance program associated with reviewing teaching activities; (4) Promoting scientific research topics, international exchange of lecturers and students, and deploy lecturers to research and study abroad; (5) Continuing to carry out administrative activities on digital platforms; (6) Ensuring the teacher/teacher performs well the tasks of teaching, scientific research, international publication, improving professional and foreign language skills.”

Prof.Dr. Nguyen Dong Phong delivering a speech summarizing the conference with strategic directions for 2024

Also within the framework of the Conference, UEH announced and awarded decisions to establish: the Training Board, Infrastructure Management Board, Research - Development and Global Engagement Board. The UEH Director assigned Assoc.Prof.Dr. Bui Quang Hung - Deputy Director of UEH to temporarily manage the Training Board; Dr. Dinh Cong Khai - Deputy Director of UEH to temporarily manage the Research - Development and Global Engagement Board; Prof.Dr. Nguyen Khac Quoc Bao - Deputy Director of UEH to temporarily manage the Infrastructure Management Board.

With the role and position of a Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University, the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City will work together and strive to carry out the proposed tasks, making UEH more developed and contributing to society.

Additional photos regarding the conference:

News and photos: UEH Department of Marketing and Communication