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Elevating your expertise – Developing your career together with the Master’s Program at UEH in 2022

Elevating your expertise – Developing your career together with the Master’s Program at UEH in 2022

As the earliest graduate training Institution in the Southern region, over 32 years, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) has been training more than 15,000 Masters working in agencies and organizations from central to local levels and businesses, contributing to the development of the country. Promoting our role as a place to train successful managers and entrepreneurs, UEH officially enrolls the Second Master’s Program from June 2022 with 20 training programs (application-oriented, research) and Master’s programs for Senior Executives.

Diverse choice of majors in accordance with the market trends

With the orientation to become a multidisciplinary University, in 2022, UEH officially enrolls students for the second master's training program with 20 majors/specialties (in the direction of research and application) including economic fields, business, management, law and so on.

In particular, in this year's enrollment round, UEH, with the same orientation of preparing for UEH graduates to be ready to integrate into the global labor market changes the enrollment method from entrance exam to academic curriculum approval entrance based on personal university study results and conditions related to foreign language certificates; at the same time, opening new majors in potential fields including: Marketing, Human Resource Management and so on in order to diversify the choice of majors/careers for learners:

  • Master’s program in Marketing: helps improve knowledge, skills and professional competence in the field of Marketing in terms of the changing-business-environment context. In addition, this program provides in-depth knowledge in specific areas listed as Digital marketing, Brand management, PR and Event management, innovation management in marketing and so on.
  • Master’s program in Human Resource Management: helps training learners to become leading experts in human resource management at organizations listed as business enterprises, public organizations and other non-profit organizations in the context of new and global economic integration. Learners will have access to modern training programs and are promised to lead the industry trends in the coming period.

In addition, UEH continues to enroll learners towards the Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) program for those who are holding leadership positions, senior managers or having prospects to become Senior Managers in corporations, enterprises, state agencies from central to local regions and more. After graduation, learners have sufficient capacity and ability to solve management and administration problems in senior leadership positions.

In parallel, UEH enrolls the first Senior Executive Master Program in Smart and Innovative Urban Management in Vietnam for domestic and international learners. The program aims to equip learners with the knowledge and skills needed to solve urban problems through management, science and technology, planning, design, innovation, administering and developing Smart Cities. Students participating in the program also have the ability to obtain Dual-degree exchange in European and Asian countries.

Freedom in study method selection for personal future orientation

Along with the diversity in training fields, UEH offers diverse learning orientations for learners to freely choose to plan their own future as follows:

Research-oriented Master: Concentrating on training learners to become researchers. Subjects of the program include: lecturers of Universities and Colleges; researchers from public or private research Institutes; researchers of public organizations, policy-making agencies; consultant companies; market-research service providers and so on.

Application-oriented Master: Focusing on training learners to develop practical working ability in organizations and enterprises. Subjects participating the program can be: employees, experts, managers working in enterprises, public and private organizations, administrative and non-business agencies, policy enforcement agencies and so on.

Master of Executive Leadership: Focusing on training learners to become senior executive managers in the public and private sectors, capable of leading to solve impactful issues effectively, based on accumulated experience, knowledge, skills and responsibility to serve the society.

International Master: The program is taught entirely in English medium, with the aim of training researchers in the fields of economics, business, management or lecturers at Universities in the local and international regions as well as providing human resources for research Institutes in Vietnam.

In the past time, UEH has been constantly investing in innovating programs and teaching methods; building a data system for teaching and learning up to international standards; expanding international association activities and training according to international programs in English and beyond.

The number of more than 15,000 Masters trained at UEH who are working in central agencies, localities and businesses has confirmed the achievements and promoted the role of UEH in the graduate training strategy. On our journey towards being a multidisciplinary and sustainable University, UEH has been aiming at becoming a comprehensive education and research environment for domestic and international learners. Always being ready to share, to create all conditions towards supporting all UEH learners during their studies at UEH University to achieve their goals on the journey of career advancement in order to become successful managers and entrepreneurs besides contributing for the development of the society and the country.

News, photosUEH Department of Marketing – Communication, School of UEH Graduate.