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International Annoucement Event: JABES - The First Social Science And Humanities, Business And Management Journal In Viet Nam Officially Indexed In Scopus

International Annoucement Event: JABES - The First Social Science And Humanities, Business And Management Journal In Viet Nam Officially Indexed In Scopus

On March 18th, 2022, the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) held an international publication event "JABES - The first Social Science and Humanities, Business and Management journal in Vietnam officially indexed in SCOPUS". This is a great step forward, contributing to enhancing the recognition of Vietnamese scientific knowledge in international academic forums.

On March 6th, 2022, over 30 years of development and integration, implementing the strategy by the standards of a prestigious and quality scientific journal in the world, along with persistent and long-term efforts in the field of science and technology. With strict registration, appraisal, evaluation, and application process, JABES has been indexed in SCOPUS List - the database of Elsevier publishing house (Netherlands) providing reliable scientific articles. database of Elsevier Publishing House (Netherlands), becoming the first Social Sciences and Humanities, Business and Management journal in Vietnam to be recognized in this prestigious scientific index. This is an outstanding step contributing to UEH's roadmap towards becoming a university with a high academic reputation and sustainable action in the region in particular and contributing to enhancing Vietnam's identity in international academic forums.

On March 18th, 2022, UEH, to mark this important and proud milestone, organized an international announcement event "JABES - The first Social Science and Humanities, Business and Management journal in Vietnam officially indexed in SCOPUS" through the combined form of direct and online. The program was attended and congratulated by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Văn Phúc - Deputy Secretary of the Party Personnel Committee, Deputy Minister of Education and Training; Dr. Vũ Thanh Bình - Deputy Director of Department of Science, Technology and Environment, Ministry of Education and Training; Dr. Nguyễn Thị Thu Thủy - Deputy Director of the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Training; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Trần Anh Tuấn – Chief of Staff - The State Council for Professorship; Prof. Dr. Trần Thọ Đạt - Chairperson of The State Council for Professorship in Economics; together with Leaders of UEH's partner universities, both local and international; Representatives of Scopus and Emerald organizations; members of the editorial board and the advisory council of JABES; editors of well-respected journals in the Asia-Pacific region; national and international community of scientists and researchers together with representatives of Vietnamese media agencies.

On behalf of UEH, there was the attendance of Prof. TS. Nguyen Dong Phong - Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the School Council; Prof. Dr. Su Dinh Thanh - Rector of UEH; Prof. Dr. Nguyen Trong Hoai - Editor-in-Chief of JABES Magazine along with the those representatives from the Board of Directors, Advisory Board as well as Leaders of 3 UEH-member schools, those of UEH-affiliated units that attended to congratulate this special event.

Overview of the international publication of JABES Magazine into the SCOPUS list

Prof. Dr. Sử Đình Thành - Rector of UEH shared: The inclusion of JABES in the Scopus index is a source of pride, not only for UEH University, but also for the academic community in Vietnam in general, and in the fields of Business and Economics in the international arena. This has resulted from the efforts of UEH and JABES journal team over many generations; The great contribution of the members of the Editorial Board, the Advisory Council of JABES from previous working history, domestic and foreign authors as well as reviewers have worked seriously and scientifically to ensure the increased quality of these articles. Especially, the support, trust and facilitation of the Ministry of Education and Training in choosing JABES to promote the internationalization of scientific journals in Vietnam. Based on today's success, JABES will continue to develop further, always maintain and promote our academic reputation, affirm the position as a SCOPUS journal in the fields of Social Sciences and Humanities, Business and Management in Vietnam. Concurrently, we will always be striving to contribute towards improving UEH's academic reputation in the region and the world, as well as being the pride of our Vietnamese academic community."

Prof. Dr. Su Dinh Thanh - Rector of UEH delivered the opening speech

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Trong Hoai - Editor-in-Chief of JABES Magazine shared further details regarding the journey of efforts of JABES and the associates to be included in the SCOPUS list today.

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Trong Hoai - Editor-in-Chief of JABES Magazine shared about his journey to the SCOPUS list

Summary clip in terms of efforts to enter the SCOPUS catalog of JABES

At the event, iGroup - the agency representing SCOPUS and EMERALD in Vietnam - awarded the certificate to JABES Magazine to be officially recognized in the SCOPUS list.

Ms. Linh Nguyen - Sales Manager (College & University Client Division) - iGroup Vietnam, Representative of SCOPUS-EMERALD awarding the certificate to JABES Magazine in SCOPUS list

Within the atmosphere of joy and pride, Mr. Kavit Yagnik - SCOPUS representative and Ms. Judy Yeh - EMERALD representative sent congratulations to JABES magazine, highly appreciating JABES Magazine's efforts in the past time and period with hopes that JABES continues to develop further, affirming the position and prestige of the journal in the global academic community.

Mr. Kavit Yagnik - Representative of SCOPUS sending his congratulations

Ms. Judy Yeh - Representative of EMERALD sharing her congratulations

What is more, this event also received the congratulations of Prof. Dr. Tran Tho Dat - Chairman of the Council of Professors of Vietnam Economics – together with domestic and international scholars, authors, reviewers and collaborators of JABES.

Prof. Dr. Tran Tho Dat - Chairman of the Vietnam Council of Professors of Economics - delivering a congratulatory speech

Clip with congratulations from domestic and international scholars, authors, reviewers, collaborators of JABES

Acknowledging the achievements and efforts of UEH, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Văn Phúc - Deputy Secretary of the Party Personnel Committee, Deputy Minister of Education and Training asserted that: “In recent years, JABES has done well in successfully accomplishing a number of important development projects in recent years, which included, the upgrade project of the English version of the Journal of Economic Development to meet SCOPUS international standards for 2013–2017, and to complete the project to improve the Journal of Asia Business and Economic Studies (JABES) to join the SCOPUS index for 2020–2023. The two phases of funding from the Ministry of Education and Training along with the strong and effective reciprocal resource investment from UEH have contributed to the impetus for JABES to this today's development. I am extremely content to find that the Journal has effectively utilized our funding and continues to make significant strides among the academic community worldwide, from getting officially indexed in the Web of Science ESCI category to most recently being the first journal in Vietnam in Social Sciences & Humanities listed in the prestigious SCOPUS index.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Văn Phúc - Deputy Secretary of the Party Personnel Committee, Deputy Minister of Education and Training acknowledges the achievements and efforts of JABES and UEH

The achievements of JABES in particular, together with the orientation of sustainable development and the increase in scientific research activities during the past time have contributed to the journey of improving UEH's academic reputation with positions in prestigious world rankings listed as: Top 551+ Best University in Asia 2022 (QS Asia University Rankings 2022); Being ranked at 376th position in the international list of research institutes at Asia (SCImago); Holding 1st position among universities in the field of economics and business in Vietnam in terms of digitization capacity and academic resource spreading (Webometrics, 2021); Top 25 Universities in the world in the field of Knowledge Transfer, in accordance with “Contributing to lifelong career development’ Standard for 5 consecutive years within the 2016-2020 period (U-Multirank) and so on.

Upon the road to becoming a University with an academic reputation and sustainable action for the community, with the desire to internationalize to reach new heights, our UEH team is constantly making efforts to teach, research and increase scientific prestige, affirming the quality of a publication and enhancing our recognition in the domestic and international academic community; concurrently, expanding the network of links with scientists and spreading knowledge. At the same time, researchers at UEH will be oriented and facilitated to carry out scientific works and consulting projects that can help solve local, national and global issues to contribute and have a positive impact on society.

News, photos: Department of Marketing - Communication