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Launching the “International Forum On Sustainability - IFS” for Universities

Launching the “International Forum On Sustainability - IFS” for Universities

Within the framework of the International Scientific Conference series "Sustainable University Development: Opportunities and Challenges" (SUDOC) in Ready for Next, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) cooperate for the first time with world universities to launch the "International Forum on Sustainability - IFS". The event had the participation of Dr. Chung Un_Chan, former Prime Minister of Korea, and former President of Seoul National University, Korea. This is an annual networking for colleges and universities in Vietnam and internationally for sharing, exchanging, and spreading suitable solutions to develop a sustainable university model. 
Sustainable development and sustainable action have gradually become the guiding principle of global organizations and businesses. This is also the key action program of many countries and the focus of many international conferences. In this context, education in general and higher education, in particular, cannot be left out when it plays an important role in forming and shaping the thinking and actions of future generations.
A model of sustainable university transition is becoming more necessary than ever, especially in developing countries, which are heavily influenced by the negative side of rapid economic and social development. With core traditional functions such as Training, Research and general functions such as Administration, Operations, and Community Connection, “How do traditional universities integrate sustainability elements in an effective, harmonious, and reasonable way” is an important question posed.
Carrying out the responsibility of a Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University, UEH has cooperated with Kwangwoon University (Korea), UN Academic Impact Korea University (Korea), Trieste University (Italy), Handong Global University (Korea) to launch the International Forum on Sustainability - IFS to support universities that have been and are in the process of a sustainable transformation in Vietnam and internationally, especially developing countries. The launch event of the IFS forum taking place on the morning of December 8, 2022, at UEH in the series of Ready For Next 2022 events has received the attention of many universities, businesses, and organizations around the world through face-to-face and online platforms.
The event had the participation of Dr. Chung Un_Chan - former Prime Minister of Korea, and former President of Seoul National University, Korea; Dr. Park Young June - Former Vice Minister of Knowledge Economy of Korea, Honorary President of UEH College of Technology and Design (CTD); Dr. Dosoung Philip Choi - Rector of Handong Global University; Dr. Jong Heon Kim - Rector of Kwangwoon University; GS. Jaehyun Han - Kwangwoon University; Mr. Son Sungchan - United Nations Academic Impact Korea University; GS. Elena Marchigiani - Vice-director, Department of Engineering and Architecture, The University of Trieste; Dr. Ducksu Seo - Handong Global University.
On the UEH side, there were the participation of: Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dong Phong - Chairman of the University Council; Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dinh Thanh - President; Dr. Bui Quang Hung - Vice President; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Khac Quoc Bao - Vice President; Dr. Dinh Cong Khai - Vice President; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Phan Thi Bich Nguyet - Chairwoman of the Strategic and Policy Advisory Council; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Bui Thanh Trang - Vice Head of UEH College of Business; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Pham Khanh Nam - Vice Head of UEH College of Economics, Law and Government.
Overview of the event
Speaking at the opening of the forum, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dong Phong - Chairman of the UEH University Council shared: “The International Forum on Sustainability - IFS is an annual networking for universities in Vietnam and internationally, especially developing countries, initiated by the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City and domestic and international educational partners. The forum aims to share, exchange, and spread appropriate solutions to develop a sustainable university model, based on 05 basic and expanded functions of a higher education institution including Education, Research, Operations, Community Engagement, and School Governance. This is also one of the programs to connect and build an active community for the sustainable development of UEH in the transformation strategy to become a Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University with an academic reputation in Asia in the period of 2021-2030.”
Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dong Phong - Chairman of the UEH University Council gave the opening speech
Prof. Elena Marchigiani - Trieste University (Italy) also said: “From the perspective of the University of Trieste, a university in Europe, we highly appreciate the role of universities in contributing to sustainable development. I think IFS Forum - International Forum on Sustainability was born at the right time when the negative side of the rapid development of socio-economic development is becoming a challenge for the development of the world. More evidence comes out that developing countries will suffer more severe consequences. Therefore, universities will play an important role. With the orientation of the forum, I hope this will be a place where experienced universities share their lessons, contributing to shortening the process of finding a way to the sustainable transformation of universities in Vietnam as well as developing countries”.
Prof. Elena Marchigiani - Trieste University (Italy) shared about the forum
IFS Forum will perform 03 main functions including:
  • Supporting programs: Organizing seminars, discussions, and short courses on “Sustainable education, operations and governance in human-centered universities”;
  • Research and Development: Developing sustainability/performance guidelines/indexes to guide and help universities from developing countries to act/measure sustainability; Implementing R&D integrating sustainability topics to solve organizational/societal problems.
  • Sharing knowledge: Collecting, showcasing and launching successful sustainability programs; Building and developing IFS open data on sustainable development, where parties can share, consult and exchange experiences on sustainable development activities.
In the period of 2022 - 2025, the forum will implement a comprehensive development plan with activities such as Forum Launching (2022); Developing a network of sustainable universities in Vietnam and developing countries through seminars and talks (2023); Implementing programs to support and train students towards a sustainable university (2024); Developing university sustainability indicators, conducting research and development (2025).
Dr. Bui Quang Hung - Vice President of UEH shared about the forum's development strategy
Highlighting the role of the University in contributing to the sustainable development of the country and the world, the initiative of the International Forum on Sustainability IFS has received great attention from experts, domestic and international communities. Especially, the participation of experts and universities with experience in sustainable development in the role of the Advisory Board include: Dr. Park Young June - Former Vice Minister of Knowledge Economy of Korea, Honorary Rector of UEH School of Technology and Design (CTD); Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dong Phong - Chairman of the UEH University Council, Head of the Advisory Board for Sustainable Development; and the Steering Committee are founding members of the forum such as University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City - UEH (Vietnam); Kwangwoon University (Korea); UN Academic Impact Korea University (Korea); the University of Trieste (Italy); Handong Global University (Korea).
Launch of the IFS Forum Advisory and Steering Committee
Implementing the strategy of becoming a Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University, multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and sustainable criteria have been integrated into training programs, subjects, and extracurricular activities; in research topics and methods; in practice at UEH campuses and people; as well as actively contribute to the process of changing awareness, spreading knowledge, together with the community to act sustainably.
For this new strategy, UEH is also in the process of planning - implementing - evaluating - reacting with solid implementation steps. And on this journey, UEH wishes to learn and share experiences from experienced experts and organizations, as well as spread its path to other companions through the International Forum on Sustainability.
Additional photos relating to the launch event of the IFS forum:
News, photos: Department of Marketing and Communication