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Looking back on JABES' achievements in 2022

Looking back on JABES' achievements in 2022

After more than 30 years of operation and constantly improving quality, the Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies (JABES) has, step by step, standardized the operation and quality of articles according to international standards with many outstanding achievements. In 2022, JABES will continue to affirm its position as a prestigious economic science journal in Vietnam, with widespread influence among academic researchers, managers, and policymakers, establishing its position in the international scientific community and achieving higher achievements.


Promoting the achievements such as: participating in the ASEAN Citation Index (ACI) list of the ASEAN Citation Center, linking with the Emerald International Publishing House System, participating in the EconLit list of the American Economic Association, being recognized in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) – Database of Scientific Journals of the Web of Science under Clarivate Analytics… In 2022, JABES will continue to have impressive achievements and affirms its position and prestige in the global academic community.


Publication and Administration

In 2022, JABES - English version (JABES-E) attracted more than 300 articles; through the preliminary process, about 20% of articles were submitted for review, and 12% of articles were accepted for publication, in which JABES-E published 18 articles from 37 authors (of which the number of foreign authors is 17, accounting for more than 40%). With 18 published articles having 120 citations, one paper is cited 6–7 times on average; some articles are cited more than 20 times per year. Notably, the number of JABES Editorial Boards and Advisory Boards has reached nearly 70 expert members from more than 30 countries around the world.


JABES - Vietnamese version (JABES-V) is attracting more and more quality articles, the authors who submit articles all refer to and carefully learn about the Journal's Regulations & Policies, so they have limited many unsatisfactory manuscripts from the beginning. In 2022, up to the time of statistics, the total number of submissions is 152 articles, of which: The acceptance rate is about 43.42% (26.18% higher than 2021 and 36.09% in 2020); The rejection rate for articles is about 43.42% (73.82% lower than 2021 and in 2020, it was 63.91%). The above ratio shows that JABES-V has attracted many quality articles, so it has expanded the opportunity to publish more articles for authors in 2022. At the same time, during the year, JABES-V has undergone restructuring the old Editorial Board structure into: (1) Advisory Board with 13 leading and prestigious Professors and Associate Professors in the scientific community; and (2) Editorial Board with 16 national and 6 international experts (including 9 experts from UEH).

 Administration statistics of article sent to JABES-V for the period 2020-2022

Source: JABES-V as of December 13, 2022


Joining SCOPUS, ABDC and raising the citation index for JABES-E

On March 6, 2022, after many persistent efforts to meet the standards of an international scientific journal and the strict implementation of the registration, appraisal, evaluation and application process, JABES in English version officially entered the list of journals in the list of SCOPUS - the database of Elsevier Publishing (Netherlands), which provides the most reliable scientific articles, at the same time, becoming the first magazine in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities, Business and Management in Vietnam to be recognized in this prestigious scientific index. This achievement has surpassed the plan to achieve the goal of bringing JABES to SCOPUS standards set by UEH and JABES nearly two years earlier and has special significance, not only contributing to the roadmap to bring UEH to a prestigious university with sustainable actions in the region, but also to enhance the recognition of Vietnam's scientific knowledge in international academic forums.

Regarding the citation index, in 2022, JABES received the JCI index for 2021 at 0.87 and is in the Q2 percentile of ESCI journals in both the Economics and Business categories. The JCI (Journal Citation Indicator) is a new index that measures the citation impact of recent journal publications by standardizing Clarivate's ranking conditions.

Statistics illustrating the JCI index

Source: Emerald International Publishing House as of November 30, 2022


By December 2022, JABES has officially achieved the Citescore citation index of 6.4 on the official website of SCOPUS. With this high index, JABES is expected to be ranked at the 85th percentile in the group of Economics - Business - Finance (Source: ). 

Following the good news from joining the SCOPUS list, at the beginning of December 2022, ABDC Council announced the recognition of JABES in the expected list of scientific journals meeting grade B standards and expected to be officially published in February 2023. ABDC Journal Quality List is a list of quality journals of the Australian Business Deans Council. ABDC has 4 grades: A*, A, B, C. Journal with an A* rating will have the best quality, followed by journals with A, B, and finally C. (Source: )


According to Emerald International Publishing House, the average time to process articles from submitting to the system to the date of acceptance is 176.1 days (180 days according to international practice); the average response time: 15.5 days (international practice is 30 days); article acceptance rate: 8.2% (JABES processes over 250 articles on average in 2021 and 2022); the number of articles accepted for publication (EarlyCite): 17 articles. In addition, published articles have an average of more than 20,000 downloads per month in 2022, mainly from countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, the UK, and China.


The number of JABES-E citations in 2022 is 250 volumes, of which the most citations come from ISI and SCOPUS journals, including Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Sustainability, Cogent Economics & Finance.


Successfully organized the 4th Asia Conference on Economics and Business Studies - ACBES 2022 in August 2022 through a Hybrid format - combining online and in-person.

The ACBES 2022 conference has had a great influence, attracting 282 scientists from 30 countries around the world to attend and honored to receive the patronage of 5 prestigious international journals: Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies (SCOPUS, ESCI, ACI), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (ABDC: A*, ABS: 3, SCOPUS Q1, SSCI), International Journal of Social Economics (ABDC: B, ABS: 1, SCOPUS: Q2, ESCI), Journal of Economic Asymmetries (ABDC: B, SCOPUS: Q2), Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies (ABDC: C, SCOPUS: Q2, ESCI); and 1 Book Series published by the prestigious international publishing house World Scientific.


From a total of 225 articles submitted to the conference, the Organizing Committee selected 128 quality articles, divided into 31 discussion sessions corresponding to 31 different topics related to economy and business to present and discuss. To increase the prestige of the conference as well as the quality of discussion, the Organizing Committee of ACBES 2022 invited 31 Academic Chairs (Chair Sessions) from schools including the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, universities from Malaysia, France, China, Pakistan, Japan and the UK together with 13 coordinators of the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh. The parallel discussion sessions of ACBES 2022 were lively and exciting, and there were many interesting ideas and high academics.

Overview of the opening session of the ACBES 2022

Within the framework of ACBES 2022, there were also two Special Discussion sessions: (1) Special Doctoral Session with the participation of Prof. Gabriel S. Lee (University of Regensburg, Germany) attracted 110 graduates and young researchers; At this special session, Prof. Gabriel S. Lee shared his knowledge on how to write articles for publication in international scientific journals; (2) Discussion session for businesses led by Prof. Andreas Stoffers - Country Director of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation Institute (FNF) in Vietnam presented to share management knowledge for representatives of 30 businesses.


Maintaining the successful periodic organization of the JST Talk Series in 2022

Following the success of the JABES Seminar Talks (JST) series in 2020 and 2021, JABES continues to successfully organize seminars under the theme "Economics and Business: Agendas for the Uncertain World", including: (1) JST seminar in March with the topic "Critical Perspectives on Leadership'' presented by Prof. Mark Learmonth (Nottingham Trent University, UK, editor-in-chief of Human Relations journal) attracted more than 50 researchers in the country and from other countries (such as: India, Philippines, Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria, China) who attend online; (2) JST in June with the theme “Is Bitcoin better for portfolio diversification than gold? Copula and Other Aspects Analysis'' presented by Prof. Wing-Keung Wong (Asia University, Taiwan, Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) with the participation of a large number of faculty members, young researchers from countries such as Korea, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Belgium, Cambodia, Malaysia, Nigeria, India, Australia... This activity aims to strengthen further the awareness of JABES in the international scientific community and widen the connection and orientation of research topics.


With the achievements in 2022, JABES will continue to develop further, maintain, promote its academic reputation, and affirm its position as a SCOPUS magazine in the fields of Social Sciences and Humanities, Business, and Management in Vietnam, at the same time, attempt to contribute to improving UEH's academic reputation in the region and the world, as well as the pride of the Vietnamese academic community.

New, photos: Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies (JABES)