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UEH News

Message for Academic Year 2022

Message for Academic Year 2022

The past academic year continues to be a remarkably successful year of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH). To upgrade the position and assure the sustainable development of UEH, we focus on boosting UEH restructured progress, as well as advancing step by step management capacity as well as adapting competitiveness conditions and higher education internationalization. UEH timely examines comprehensively training programs, unifies regular and part-time training program frameworks, specializes in communication and admission procedures, constructs advancing-team-quality plans, encourages information technology applications, invests in modernizing facilities, and so on, therefore, attains positive achievements in training and scientific research.

In the complicated modifying context of COVID-19 pandemic, UEH made lots of efforts to solve all difficulties, proactively organized synchronization in pandemic prevention, timely implemented vaccination (2 doses of vaccines) for all officials and laborers, guaranteed training, educating, and managing activities at UEH to be maintained continuously. In the next academic year, UEH Party Committee and Board of Management, to assure the quality and effectiveness of UEH activities and successfully carry out restructuring UEH to a multi-disciplinary, multi-field, and sustainably developing university requests UEH-affiliated units to concentrate on conducting core missions as follows:


  • Proactively constructing flexible admission plans, assuring enrollment numbers to match the issued plans. Having solutions improving training competency index to advance higher education enrollment numbers.
  • On the basis of deploying one unified standard framework of training programs for regular and part-time modes, organizing admission and training assuring the connectivity of the 2 training modes to maximize learners’ benefits, increasing incomes, and decreasing training costs.
  • Gradually raising the training scale of high-quality classes (Vietnamese and English language medium), combining to accelerate training quality-assuring conditions. Termly evaluating comprehensively and recommending quality-advancing improvements for high-quality training programs.
  • Building and launching selectively several English language post-graduate training programs, effectively deploying Doctoral training programs by NSNN capital resources (Project 89); and strongly accelerating admission communication, attracting international students in postgraduate levels.
  • Boosting internationalizing training programs. Therefore, focusing on (1) affiliating with international universities in accrediting and transferring credits of some subjects, or collaborating on organizing affiliating training (2+2/3+1…); (2) cooperating with internationally prestigious vocational organizations to acclaim subjects of UEH in issuing vocational certificates, or inviting multinational corporates/companies to participate in training programs (training/internship support/job hiring).
  • Expanding affiliation with corporates/locals in training and providing human resources serving the sustainable development of those corporates/locals.


  • Synchronically deploying solutions to assure successfully carrying out quality accreditation for educational institutions and training programs under FIBBA standard.
  • Encouraging UEH Schools to proactively select quality-accreditation organizations appropriate for each training program.
  • Researching how to improve core training programs in higher education and integrating new subjects in priority strategic fields of digitalization; encouraging new training program development towards interdisciplinary, connected to 4.0 technological revolution and sustainable development.
  • Rapidly implementing Blended Learning teaching modality.


  • Conducting UEH programs that attract and cultivate talents. Evolving internationalization progress for UEH teaching and scientific research teams; employing international lecturers to be responsible for scientific research. Keeping promoting highly-qualified Research Fellowships (FL) network expansion; increasing the amount of RF participating in teaching matters, instructing postgraduates and organizing international conferences.
  • Building a domestic and international affiliated community developing UEH academic reputation, upgrading knowledge impacts on social development. Encouraging science-immersive activities, in which UEHer is a UEH brand ambassador.
  • Strengthening the enforcement of academic integrity to ensure the sustainable development of UEH academic activities and reputation. Perfecting UEH-affiliated research institutions to evolve UEH scientific and technological potentials to attain research-orientated university criteria. Piloting elections for Director position of those institutions.
  • Promoting and thriving scientific research activities serving sustainable development. Preparing conditions orientating UEH to be possibly present in THE Rankings in 2023-2024.


  • UEH commits roles and societal responsibilities of a university towards citizens and the community. Showing UEH soccietal responsibilities conveys the mission of contributing to constructing a better societal. Each learner is an ambassador delivering sustainable development and serving the societal that UEH is pursuing.
  • Building/combining and operating step by step social development supports and environmental protection programs;
  • Accelerating the integration of sustainable development targets and UEH activities.


  • Using more greatly general resources of UEH; operating effectively the task-cooperative mechanism between UEH units.
  • Focusing on investing in digital infrastructures; continuing to conduct digitalization in university management, implementing digital platforms to expand teaching and learning digitally.
  • Maintaining communication tasks, image advertising, and brand positioning for a future university.
  • Delivering profoundly UEH restructured principles of Party Committee; making sure all necessary conditions of 03 UEH Colleges operate smoothly, adapting to targets and requirements of the restructured strategies.
  • Completing soon the Restructured Plan to submit to the Government for approval towards UEH University in the earliest time.

“UEH Party Committee, University Council, and Board of Management do believe that lecturers and management officials will unstoppably make efforts in the new academic year and unite to together accomplish well missions of the academic year, especially restructuring successfully, forming a Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University in the future. We rely on creating considerable distinctions for UEH, marking paramount progress in the development process of UEH in accordance with the new structure.”