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More than 2,800 UEH new graduates officially entering the labor market with the ability to master technology, think globally and act locally

More than 2,800 UEH new graduates officially entering the labor market with the ability to master technology, think globally and act locally

From June 21 to 23, 2023, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) solemnly held the Graduation Ceremony for 2,839 new graduates of the Regular University Mode, 2nd Degree, Transferred University and Part-Time Modes. In particular, this is the generation of students growing with important transformations of UEH that have been trained to become active citizens who master technology, think globally, act locally and are ready to enter the labor market.

Overview of the Graduation Ceremony

Along with the Opening Ceremony, Graduation Ceremony is an annual event taking place in March and June every year at the University of Economics of Ho Chi Minh City. This is a solemn milestone, marking another generation of learners growing up from the roof of UEH.

It can be stated that Batch 45 is one of the generations of students who witnessed the change of the University. They are the source of motivation; moreover, thanks to their contributions, UEH continuously affirms its position domestically and internationally. It can be the success in raising the international level of UEH University’s training, research, operation, administration, and connection activities; a complete, professional and quality improvement of the activities of taking care and supporting learners in the past time. It is an effort to adapt to the online learning and exam system during the Covid-19 pandemic and the foundation for UEH to carry out comprehensive digital transformation, serving the needs of lifelong learning conveniently, anytime, anywhere. That is the support and understanding when UEH transforms with the strategy of a Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University with a reputation in Asia 2021-2030. What is mkore important, it is certainly the certificates with good achievements of 2,839 UEH new graduates that day, this is the best and most meaningful contribution.

In particular, the achievements of UEH in recent years are as follows: Top 401+ Best Universities in Asia by QS 2023; most recently, Top 301-400 Universities contributing to 17 sustainable development goals of the United Nations in THE Impact Ranking 2023. Being a leading University in Vietnam is the most worthy recognition for UEHer’s ‘persistent efforts’ over the past 48 years, of which Batch 45 is one of the indispensable parts.

Congratulating the new graduates, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dong Phong - Chairman of the University Council - shared: “After 48 years of construction and development, it can be affirmed that UEH has been performing excellently and comprehensively the task of training high-quality human resources, serving and dedicating to the economic development of the country. UEH has made much progress, impressive and comprehensive transformation in all aspects of activities: implementing university autonomy with many positive results; innovating and developing advanced training programs according to the trend of international integration; increasing resources to support the development of scientific research, publishing scientific articles in prestigious international journals, contributing to the increase of UEHs academic reputation and modern infrastructure. All of the above-mentioned strong efforts of UEH aim to best equip students to confidently enter the highly competitive labor market, quickly adapting to the domestic and regional markets. Therefore, graduating from a school with a long tradition is one of the high-quality training addresses in economics, management, business, law, technology and design inherited by society and learners. With recognition and a high reputation in the regional and global markets, UEH graduates have the right to be proud of the journey they have gone through and can be completely confident about their achievements and knowledge that they have been equipped with.”

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dong Phong - Chairman of the University Council - delivering a congratulatory speech to the new graduates

Among the 2,839 new UEH graduates in 2023 are 1,545 students of the full-time mode, transferred mode, 2nd degree, and 192 part-time students. To be more specific: 99 distinction graduates, 1,090 excellent graduates, and 1,472 good graduates. UEH graduates meet the requirements of computer skills such as the IC3 computer certificate, minimum English proficiency of TOEIC 500 or higher, depending on the training major. Particularly for the high-quality program, UEH graduates are all involved in scientific research and business practice. This is proof of UEH University’s efforts and UEH students that are ready to enter the labor market full of competitiveness, ready for international integration, and contributing to economic and social development.

Graduation Ceremony for New Graduates of UEH

Sharing her feelings about university life, new graduate Le Thi Thao Nguyen - School of International Business - Marketing affirmed: “Living under the roof of UEH is full of enthusiasm - friendliness - love has given us opportunities to try, to dream, to step out of our comfort zone and do what we want: to study, play, volunteer and burn with our youth. I will always strive to spread positive values and hope to return to UEH to connect and develop future generations, as our acknowledgment to the lecturers. At present, putting my hand on my chest, wherever I go, I will loudly shout: Proud to be a UEH student!”

“At the end of 4 years, what we all want to say right now is the deepest thanks to the lecturers who accompany us not only in the knowledge at lecture halls but also in sharing valuable life experiences, leading us on the journey of self-improvement. We also want to send our thanks to all officers, employees and experts who provide us with not only studying but also useful movement activities to be ourselves at UEH” - New graduate Le Thi My Hoai, majoring in Hotel Management.

Advising the new graduates on the journey ahead, Dr. Bui Quang Hung - Vice President of UEH emphasized: "Persevering efforts", "Mastering technology, thinking globally, acting locally" and "Gratitude" are the "sustainable" formulas to achieve success. UEHer is steady on every journey and every situation in life.

Persistent effort is an accurate word to describe the 48-year journey of UEH and it can be said that it is the DNA (genetic code) of each UEHer. Today you graduate, there are many other paths that you will take, but I believe that UEH DNA has been and will follow you in every journey and every challenge. Persistent efforts are the motivation for you to constantly learn, take learning as a priority, and assert yourself in any situation.

Besides, "Mastering technology, thinking globally, acting locally" is the second keywords I want to talk about. Era 5.0 will take place and the timeline is very close. Unlike 4.0, human resources of the 5.0 era require the ability to "understand, know and master technology", the goal of all technological innovations is to serve the quality of people's lives. I believe that the multi-disciplinary, technology-integrated knowledge that you have learned at UEH will help you flexibly solve problems in your work and your life. Above all, you are key human resources capable of seizing the opportunities of a 5.0 society. I am proud that this will be a competitive advantage of a UEHer in the domestic and foreign labor market.

Finally, I believe that “gratitude” is an important piece to create an excellent and profound UEHer. “Excellent” in work, “deep and human” in the journey ahead.

The graduation ceremony marks the official milestone of ending undergraduate studies and opening a new path with many future ambitions and aspirations. And the roof of UEH will always accompany their learning, UEH Alumni will always be a place for them to find – to connect with many other doors and opportunities through a network of more than 250,000 successful alumni and contribute to the development of the country.

Additional photos at the Graduation Ceremony:

News, photos: UEH Department of Marketing and Communication