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Promoting the Application of Science and Technology towards Boosting Industrialization and Modernization of the Country

Promoting the Application of Science and Technology towards Boosting Industrialization and Modernization of the Country

Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW dated November 17, 2022, 6th Conference of the Party Central Committee (Term XIII) on promoting industrialization and modernization of the country until 2030, with a vision to 2045, has affirmed that industrialization and modernization are the spinal and consistent policies of our Party and State in the process of building and protecting the Fatherland. In particular, science and technology are two extremely important factors that determine the success of this development process. From in-depth research, the author at University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) would like to propose measures towards promoting the application of science and technology to boost the process of industrialization and modernization of our country.

The Document of the 13th Party Congress affirms: continuing to consistently implement the policy of science and technology is the top national policy and the key driving force to develop modern and innovative production forces, to renew growth model as well as to improve productivity, quality, efficiency and competitiveness of the economy. Concretizing these views of the 13th Congress, Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW dated November 17, 2022 at the 6th Conference of the Party Central Committee (Term XIII) on promoting industrialization and modernization (industrialization and modernization) of the country by 2030, vision to 2045, once again, emphasizes: Industrialization and modernization of the country is a fundamental and comprehensive transformation of the economy and the social life, founded mainly on the development of industry and the services on the foundation of science, technology and innovation. From the above perspectives, it can be demonstrated that science and technology is an extremely important factor that is decisive for the success of the country’s industrialization and modernization process, bringing Vietnam on par with the powers of the five continents in the world.

Applying science and technology to promote industrialization and modernization of the country

After more than 35 years of national innovation under the Party’s leadership, science and technology have been widely applied in all activities, especially in the industrial sector to promote the process of industrialization and modernization of the country. The mid-term National Conference of the Party’s 7th Term (1994) put forth the viewpoint and goal as follows: Industrialization must proceed hand in hand with modernization, forming spearheads of economic development at an advanced level compared to that of science and technology in the curent world. The 9th Party Congress clearly pointed out that developing science and technology along with developing education and training is the top national policy, the foundation and driving force to promote industrialization and modernization. The 12th Party Congress emphasized: strongly developing science and technology, making science and technology truly the top national policy, the most important driving force to develop modern production forces and a fourth-generation economy. Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW emphasized: quickly shifting from processing and assembling to researching, designing and manufacturing in Vietnam, focusing on developing a number of service industries with advantages and high-content knowledge and technology, focusing on promoting the service sector of industries.

Consequently, to promote industrialization and modernization of the country, we must master the application of science and technology invented and researched by humans, not being dependent on outsiders as well as focus on training high-quality human resources, using science and technology in all fields and occupations.

We, over the past time, under the leadership of the Party, the management of the State, the administration of the Government, and the drastic participation of the political system at all levels, have received the sympathy and support from all classes of people, the science and technology applications have been implemented drastically and synchronously by Agencies, Ministries and Branches from central to local levels with rich and diverse contents, forms and measures so as to take advantage of and to exploit science and technology for socio-economic development effectively while bringing efficiency to businesses, manufacturers and people. Many science and technology research centers with a team of experienced, dedicated scientists, responsible to the Party, State and people day and night research science and technology products applied to each field of human life.

The Party and our State have diverse mechanisms and policies to apply science and technology to life as follows: Encouraging, motivating, and honoring science and technology researchers whose products are put into real life; Supporting businesses and factories in transferring science and technology; Being a bridge in joint ventures, linking the installation of domestic equipment and machinery with foreign countries. 

Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW assessed that after more than 35 years of innovation, especially in 10 years (2011-2020), industrialization and modernization have promoted economic growth at a high level, reaching an average of 6.17% per year: growth quality has improved and the scale of the economy has increased rapidly; the economic structure and labor structure are shifting positively with the contribution to GDP of industry and services reaching 72.7% by 2020, making our country a developing country with middle income.

On the other hand, the application of science and technology, especially the achievements of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution, in fields and industries to promote the process of industrialization and modernization are having some limitations as follows: The transfer and application of science and technology is being slow, not strongly and decisively enough in creating outstanding characteristic marks for the development of specific industries and fields like heavy industry, services, agricultural processing and so on; Science and technology centers are not operating effectively and have not been able to promote their advantages and conditions yet as well as being dependent on the support and assistance of the Party and State; Some scientists and technologists are not truly dedicated and responsible in putting the interests of the Party, State and people first, for the benefits of the nation and the people, creating science and technology products and putting them into application. In real life, production and business develop completely effectively, bringing profits to the economy and the society, promoting economic growth and people’s quality of life.

Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW clearly pointed out that the internal strength of the economy is being weak, labor productivity is low while improvement is slow; Low capacity for independence and autonomy, highly dependent on foreign-invested sectors; The domestic private economic sector has not met its role as an important driving force promoting industrialization and modernization yet; State-owned enterprises are having many limitations; Innovation and improving collective economic efficiency is facing many difficulties.

Facing the requirements and the tasks of the period of industrialization and modernization promotion of the country, especially the goal of turning our country into a developed industrial country with high income by 2045, applying science and technology, especially the achievements of Industrial Revolution 4.0, innovation, has attracted more and more domestic and foreign resources towards focusing on developing the key, heavy industries as well as creating strategic breakthroughs and development of the national economy, continue to enhance the country’s position and reputation in the international arena and so on. Applying science and technology to promote the process of industrialization and modernization is both an immediate urgent requirement and task as well as a strategic long-term strategic issue, ensuring the country’s sustainable development.

Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW sets out the goals, the roadmap, and the process of industrialization and modernization to ensure macroeconomic stability; proactively and actively integrating deeply and effectively internationally; provoking aspirations for development, national entrepreneurship spirit, and innovation; promoting the quintessential values ​​of national culture, the bravery and the intelligence of the Vietnamese people besides the traditions of the working class and the pioneering role of Vietnamese intellectuals and businessmen.

Some measures to promote the application of science and technology to boost the process of industrialization and modernization in our country

First, innovating the leadership and management thinking of heads of agencies, units and localities towards the application of science and technology in production and business fields and industries, with a focus on heavy industry.

Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW emphasizes the promotion of the position and the role of the leader in innovative thinking, awareness and drastic actions, continuing to accelerate the process of industrialization and modernization in the country. Applying science and technology to production and business development, especially in heavy industry, services, and agricultural processing, needs to have an appropriate roadmap; in other words, we cannot be hasty, waste stages or have to to apply immediately.

Accordingly, Party Committees, Party Organizations, Heads of Agencies, Units, and Localities are fully aware of the importance of converting and applying science and technology to industries and services; Leading and directing units, establishments, factories and enterprises under their management to boldly convert outdated, outdated, low-productivity and poor-quality machinery and equipment to modern machinery and equipment, high product quality; Accompanying businesses, agencies, units and localities to practice science and technology applications; Leading and directing drastic, synchronous and timely action on measures to strongly apply science and technology into social life; Fields and activities serving socio-economic development must be innovated, focusing on spearhead, key, and decisive industries that create breakthroughs that change the appearance and the face of the socio-economic picture of the Agency, Unit and Locality. In particular, it is emphasized that in the period 2031 - 2045, it is to focus on improving the quality of industrialization and promoting comprehensive modernization in all areas of the economy and the social life.

Second, continuing to improve mechanisms and policies on the application and development of science and technology.

Documents of the 13th Party Congress affirm the following activities: promptly removing problems, well implementing policies on training, fostering, attracting, appreciating and rewarding science and technology staff, especially the leading specialists and talents in industry majors in the field of science and technology.

Concretizing the views of the 13th Congress of the Party, Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW continues to emphasize and to improve mechanisms and policies for the development of science and technology, innovation in accordance with our Vietnamese reality and international practice. With this spirit, Heads of Agencies, Units, and Localities actively and proactively coordinate with scientists to research and to apply science and technology to each specific field and activity; to promote the creative and democratic spirit of scientists; to create favorable conditions for scientists and scientific research centers to apply products created by individuals and groups into practice; to have public and transparent operating regulations on applied science and technology products. Additionally, applied science and technology products must be practical, effective, cost-effective, and useful for socio-economic development and transport infrastructure.

On the foundation of mechanisms and policies of the Party and State, Agencies, Units and Localities, in accordance with historical conditions and circumstances, specifically build and promulgate appropriate and effective science and technology application plans effectively, promoting conditions and advantages to arouse the will and the strength of the great national unity bloc. Mechanisms and policies to apply science and technology into real life are unique, stimulating the development of Agencies, Units and Localities, bringing favorable conditions to attract investment, to solve problems, to create jobs for workers, to increase average GDP/person, to minimize adverse factors affecting all aspects of Agencies, Units and Localities. It is to focus on applying science and technology to implement digital transformation, minimizing cumbersome and unnecessary procedures, aiming for quick, concise, easy-to-understand and easy-to-implement operations for all classes of people.

Third, focusing on developing a number of key science and technology industries, directly solving urgent problems for the country.

The 13th Party Congress clearly pointed out that it is to develop a number of key science and technology industries, directly solving urgent problems in accordance with the country’s conditions and resources. Accordingly, Agencies, Units and Localities need to do the following activities: Identifying clearly spearhead and key industries to focus on investment, research and application of science and technology; to concentrate on training and fostering high-quality human resources in those key industries; Building a flexible and creative research and application of science and technology environment to stimulate new ideas from a team of scientists and technology scientists; Mobilizing resources, especially facilities and  to fund for the application of science and technology to production and business; Checking and evaluating the quality of science and technology products applied to real life by relevant authorities and professional forces; Strengthening joint ventures and partnerships with foreign countries in cooperation in research and application of science and technology for socio-economic development and strengthening national defense and security; Acquiring, inheriting and selectively developing experience and research methods applying science and technology to mining, manufacturing machinery and equipment components to reduce input material costs of the Vietnamese market and so on. 

To achieve the goals and the tasks identified above, the leading factor is to strengthen the leadership and direction of Party Committees, Heads of Agencies, Units and Localities; promoting the spirit of “Daring to think, dare to speak, dare to do, dare to innovate and dare to endure difficulties and hardships and dare to be responsible to the organization for their decisions”; building a democratic and scientific working atmosphere for everyone: respecting and listening to the opinions of experts, scientists, officials, civil servants, public employees and people towards creating favorable conditions for everyone. From this foundation, more reasonable and scientific adjustments and supplements to maintain political stability, social order and safety to effectively implement Resolution of the 13th Party Congress, Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW and Resolution of the General Assembly Associations of all levels have been proposed.

The Central Regions economy having achieved massive achievements after 30-year innovation

Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW defines the general goal by 2030: Vietnam basically achieves the criteria of an industrial country, becoming a developing country with modern industry, and a high average income; People’s lives are improved. More than ever, the Heads of Agencies, Units, and Localities wholeheartedly serve the common revolutionary missions of the Party, the State and the People, promoting the spirit of dedication, innovation, and creativity. Therefore, applying science and technology to real life brings practical results. Whether the process of industrialization and modernization of the country takes place either quickly or slowly or with or without quality depends greatly on the application of science and technology in all fields, especially the country’s industry. This is definitely the roadmap, solid, effective and decisive steps for the people and the country of Leaders at all levels in applying science and technology towards promoting the process of industrialization and modernization of the country.

This is an article in the series of articles spreading research and applied knowledge from UEH with the “Research Contribution For All – Nghiên Cứu Vì Cộng Đồng” message, UEH cordially invites dear readers to look forward to the upcoming Knowledge Newsletter ECONOMY No. #90.

Reporting press: State Management Review  

News & photosAuthor, UEH Department of Marketing & Communication

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