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Ready for Next Program Series: UEH Community Ready to Transform for Sustainability

Ready for Next Program Series: UEH Community Ready to Transform for Sustainability

After more than a hinge year (September 2021 - November 2022) officially restructuring with the strategy of a Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University, UEH today with 46 years as the foundation and the driving force is Ready to transform into a Multidisciplinary and Sustainable UEH of Tomorrow “UEH - Ready for Next”.


Redefining “UEH Community” on a new journey


On the journey of 46 years of development, UEH has strived to create a community that is constantly growing, connected by positive values ​​of knowledge with more than 800 officials, 30,700 students, 240,000 alumni, 500 Enterprises, Prestigious Professional Associations, and 125 Leading International Educational Institutions.


Since the announcement of the Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University strategy for 2021, the UEH Community has been gradually reshaped in a new sense. Besides being encapsulated within UEHer but UEH Community includes all officials, former officials, learners, former learners through the ages, and individuals, organizations, and partners with the same mission: Applying multidisciplinary knowledge to solve social problems and acting together sustainably, towards a balanced development between the economy, society, and the environment.


This approach allows UEH to believe that sustainable action projects will always have the companionship of stakeholders, jointly implementing and spreading widely to the community and society, contributing to orienting thinking and the actions of the succeeding generations will rule the country. “In a new era with many global challenges, more than ever, the UEH Community will have to promote further its own role - a hub of knowledge, connecting resources, synergy and spreading positive values, taking sustainable development as the core towards the community” - Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dong Phong, Chairman of UEH University Council shared.


Ready for Next program series: Ready to be a new generation University, a pioneer in the Vietnamese University community transforming for sustainability


Marking a year of transformation, restructuring, and strategic repositioning, transitioning to a Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University, the Ready for Next key chain of activities sends a message to the community: UEH is ready to be a representative of the new university generation, listening to the times, actively equipping the young generation with knowledge, skills and action capacity in the digital era - Glocal (Global & Local) generation "Thinking globally, act locally”. This will be a generation with expertise, multi-disciplinary understanding, and flexible application to solve contemporary problems and balance life with cultural and artistic values, toward sustainable development.


This message is spread strongly, covering different target groups in the UEH Community from learners, former learners, officials, former officials, organizations, and partners,... through the Ready for Next series of activities with 3 main purposes:



  • Spreading the application of Multidisciplinary, Interdisciplinary, and Transdisciplinary knowledge from Economics, Technology, and Design to Art to solve contemporary problems;
  • Pioneering the application of the power of the Arts in inspiring, solving social problems, and improving the quality of life;
  • Together exchanging, learning, sharing, and providing a multi-faceted view of Sustainable Action projects across all fields.


UEH learners, young generation: Central beneficiaries of the Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University Strategy


As the center of UEH's Multidisciplinary and Sustainable development strategy, UEH learners in particular, and the young generation in general are expected to lead change for sustainable development. Programs from the first civics week, the festival to welcome new students "Join the big arms", to the opening ceremony of the regular University in 2022 have brought together the first insights, laying the first foundation on a culture of “One UEH” - A culture of readiness for a Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University.


It is a symphony between Art - Technology - Inspiration at the Opening Ceremony with the theme "I'm UEHer, I'm Ready for Next", where each UEHer's journey of experience begins to receive new experiences, opportunities and finding the best versions of themself. Those are the unexpected and proud feelings of more than 6,000 new students during the Ỏientation Week when they fully shared the Brand Strategy, Community Connection Program - Spreading Knowledge - Sustainable Action; Giving to UEH Program “For a More Sustainable Future” and UEH Zero Waste University Project. It is the colorful and meaningful cultural festival "Beside U" with 04 main events: Green Citizen Day, Art-Inspiration Day, International Day, and Big Arms Festival.



The symphony between Art - Technology - Inspiration is conveyed in all activities for the young generation of UEH students


All have confirmed that the University's Multidisciplinary and Sustainable development strategy not only exists on paper, at high management levels, is confidential but is widely shared, and public. into the reality of daily activities of the young generation of UEH - the team that plays a pivotal role in the overall development of the school in the next 10 years.


The pioneering strategy of Multidisciplinary and Sustainable development will create generations of students with innovative spaces, empowered to create, freely choose their majors, freely choose how to learn, and freely express themselves. Freedom to shape their own future, freedom to be whoever they want to be. “We hope that the new students will join the University in redefining a new concept of learners, a generation matured by knowledge, skills, abilities, readiness to innovate, thinking globally, acting locally, always ready and committed to seizing opportunities” - Prof. Dr. Su Dinh Thanh, President of UEH shared.


Generations of officials and employees: The driving force of the Multidisciplinary and Sustainable UEH Development Strategy


In order to be a pioneer in the journey of Multidisciplinary and Sustainable, the "engagement" of all UEHer lecturers and staff, above all a generation of young officers and employees, is the "sustainable driving force" in a long way. 54 practical proposals, ideas, and initiatives to develop UEH, aiming at five important strategic pillars of the Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University, including Education, Research, Operations, Governance, and Community Connection in The forum "The role of officials and young workers in the multi-sectoral and sustainable UEH development strategy" spoke out.



The willingness and dedication of the staff are the driving force of UEH's multidisciplinary and sustainable development strategy.


The spirit of willingness to dedicate has been forged in the traditional culture of UEH for more than 46 years, making the achievements of today's UEH version, and is the pillar of "sustainable belief" for the UEH version. Multidisciplinary and Sustainability will be perfected in the next 10 years. Especially when it is difficult to see immediate results and achievements when choosing to walk on this path.


“By 2030, UEH will become a Multidisciplinary University with an academic reputation and sustainable action in Asia” - Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dong Phong, Chairman of UEH University Council shared related to UEH’s Vision to 2030.


November - Let's wait for a special event for 800 officials and employees UEH Day 2022: UEHer is ready to transform for sustainability


A leading team is a united and connected team. The UEH Day 2022 event taking place on November 18-19 will be an extremely important activity - linking generations of UEH officials towards a common goal. This will be the place where all 800 officials and employees will listen to the enthusiastic sharing of the upcoming UEH development strategy of UEH University's leaders; will be open spaces for each member of UEH to freely contribute to the role of individuals and units in the new period; will be moments together Proud of tradition, united Towards the future, Solidarity for sustainable development, and relaxing with Art Inspiration. “We expect that UEH Day will not only be an event lasting 2 days and 1 night and end, but will be a launching pad for the 'One UEH' culture - we will be a solid connecting block by the understanding, belief, and willingness to act for a Multidisciplinary and Sustainable UEH in the future” - Dr. Bui Quang Hung, Vice President of UEH shared.


December - A series of programs that comprehensively connect and spread to the community: Ready to Transform for Sustainability (December 4, 2022 - December 10, 2022)


With the goal of positive values ​​for the community, from December 4 to 10, UEH's series of key action programs Ready for Next for the community and society will officially start, covering many fields from academics, exchange forums, and community connection hubs to unique artistic inspiration activities.


Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary international conferences spread multi-disciplinary knowledge, the foundation for solving problems in the context of a volatile world:



  • International scientific conference “Resilience by Technology and Design” with the theme “Smart Living” (RTD)
  • Artech Fusion international scientific conference “Smart Living - Changing Lifestyle to Act on Sustainability through ArtTechLens” (ATF)
  • International scientific conference “A Future Resilience through Smart City Lens” (RF)
  • International scientific conference “Sustainable University Development: Opportunity and Challenge” (SUDOC)


The introduction of Hubs connecting national and international expert communities, addressing specific contemporary issues:



  • Artech Fusion Hub
  • International Forum on Sustainability for SMEs & Start-ups (IFS)


Prerequisite activities of a Community that inspire art and sustainable development:



  • New York Classical Music Society Asia at UEH
  • A sustainable exhibition combining art Jeju exhibition
  • Space Exhibition Uisan Museum of Art and Technology Museum


Along with that is the program "UEH Orientation for Industry", sharing the journey of a Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University with associations and businesses, increasing understanding and cooperation to accompany projects, the program Connecting the community - Spreading knowledge - Sustainable action.



At UEH, the strategy of a Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University is approached by the lessons of sustainable practice right in the space, campus, resources, and people of UEH. Only in this way can UEH endorse, influence, and spread the word to the UEH Community in a new way, and become a community that pioneers transformation for sustainability. Together, we will give and receive positive values, spreading practical knowledge for a sustainable society.


News, photos: UEH Department Marketing and Communication