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Ready for Next - Sudoc 2022: Overview of the conference "Sustainable University Development: Opportunities and Challenges"

Ready for Next - Sudoc 2022: Overview of the conference "Sustainable University Development: Opportunities and Challenges"

In the series of conversion activities to the Sustainable Ready For Next of the University of Economics of Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) for two consecutive days 8 - 9/12/2022, International Conference "Sustainable University Development: Opportunities and Challenges" (SUDOC 2022) gathering of researchers, scientists, educational organizations, state agencies, domestic and foreign enterprises, with many outstanding activities. Many issues are discussed from an academic perspective as well as practice from sustainable university model, green university operation, training function, research in sustainable university, ... to build a sustainable forum for universities in developing countries, discussing lessons and criteria of the Zero Waste University model has been implementing across the country. This is considered the first seminar, contributing knowledge to the sustainable development of multi-field, especially in the field of higher education in Vietnam.
8 sessions to share and discuss academic studies among researchers and scientists; 01 International Forum on Sustainable Development was launched to the community of universities in Vietnam and other countries in the region; 02 special discussions about sustainable university model and Zero Waste University took place for two consecutive days, under the conference "Sustainable University Development: Opportunities and Challenges" (SUDOC 2022).
Many "first times" took place when it comes to the SUDOC 2022, including For the first time there is a sustainable university conference in Vietnam; For the first time a sustainable university forum was launched; For the first time, the issues of sustainable university models, green operation models, global citizen education are acting for sustainable development, research towards sustainability, and connecting the community action. Because the development becomes a discussion topic between the academic community of Vietnam and the international. With that newness, the seminar received a response and participation from individuals, organizations, and stakeholders who really care and are dedicated to the sustainable development of Vietnam and globally, creating a feeling of Believing for the next annual seminar in future.
8 sessions to share and discuss academic studies among researchers and scientists  domestically and abroad
Within the Sudoc 2022, the academic sessions took place continuously, in parallel, presenting and exchanging more than 30 scientific research works with the participation of nearly 100 researchers and scientists who are collaborative groups of authors from many different universities domestically and abroad, under the chairmanship of leading professors in UEH and international schools. Specifically:
● Scientific research in Universities for Sustainable Development under the moderation of Prof. Su Dinh Thanh - Principal of UEH;
● Access to the Sustainable University Models (How to approach) under the chairmanship of Prof. Nguyen Trong Hoai - Editor-in-chief of Journal of Asian Business and Economic Studies (Jabes);
● Green operation - Experiences and Solutions under the chairmanship of Prof. Young Sang Kwon, Seoul National University (South Korea);
● Educating generations of learning with abilities of lifelong learning, acting as the host of sustainable development under the chairmanship of Dr. Arnaud Grignard - Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT (USA);
● "Community" In Sustainable University Development under the chairmanship of Prof. Ilaria Garofolo, Trieste University, Italy.
Talking about academic discussions, Prof.Dr. Su Dinh Thanh said: “I appreciate the efforts of teachers and researchers who have boldly approached very new topics around sustainable development. The diversity between different studies in the discussion gives us an open view of this content group when there are many points that can be exploited and developed in in-depth research. I hope to see you again in Sudoc 2 in 2023, with the next research. ”
Academic sharing and discussions among researchers and scientists domestically and abroad
Special presentations of special speakers
In addition to the exchange of learning, the SUDOC 2022 is honored to receive the participation of special speakers with specialized sharing topics on issues revolving around the sustainability of a university, a zone, a region, or a country according to the approach of leading experts.
Typically, the impression of former Korean Prime Minister Chung Un_Chan started the scientific speech series at the launch ceremony of Ready for Next 2022, with the theme "Towards sustainable economic growth in Vietnam: Lesson learned from Korea" which took place at 14:00 Last December 8. “In 1962, the GDP per capita of Korea was less than USD $ 100. More than 40% of the country's population suffered from poverty and seemed no escape. But now Korea is one of the seven countries in the world with a population greater than 50 million people, and a GDP per capita is over 30 thousand USD. South Korea is the first and only country to move from a foreign aid country to a nation of sponsorship in world history. Some people call this achievement a "Korean miracle". [...]. I would like to emphasize that the solution can be summarized as shared growth. I recommend that Vietnam should remember Shared Growth because first, the vicious cycle of "the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer" is extremely difficult to break after the country's economy is developed; And second, shared growth will help Vietnam find a more sustainable model for economic growth ” - Extracted from the talk of Prof. Chung Un_Chan.
Former Korean Prime Minister Prof. Chung Un_Chan sharing
Continuously special exchange sessions of the top three principals of the top Asian universities including that of Dr. Dosoung Philip Choi - Principal of Handong Global University (Korea), Dr. Jong Heon Kim - Principal of Kwangwoon Belt (Korea) and Prof. Dr. History of Dinh Thanh - President University of Economics Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam) discussed approaching and promoting the sustainable development model at universities. “The trends of new technology application training in the 4.0 era have contributed positively to the lifelong learning journey of each individual and realize the journey to become global citizens when allowing learning at all times, Everywhere, overcome space and time barriers such as Problem Base Learning, Project Base Learning, Flipped Learning, Peer Tutoring, Adaptive Learning ” - Dr. Dosoung Philip Choi shared.
Besides are the sharing sessions of Prof. Nam-Joon Cho, Nanyang Technical University (Singapore) on The Role of Research in Sustainable University Development; Prof. Iiaria Garofolo, Trieste University (Italy) on Universities Commitment for Territorial Sustainable Development and Responsible Communities; and Dr. Arnaud Grignard, Massachusetts University Institute (USA) on A City Science Perspective for Hyper-Local Solutions to Global Challenges.
Prof. Dr. Su Dinh Thanh - President of the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam) sharing
Dr. Dosoung Philip Choi - Principal of Handong Global University (Korea)
Dr. Jong Heon Kim - Principal of Kwangwoon Belt (Korea) sharing
Launching an international forum for sustainable development for universities "International Forum on Sustainability - IFS"
With the core traditional functions such as training, research, and general functions such as governance, operation, and community connection, “How to make traditional universities integrate sustainable factors in a harmonious and reasonable way?” is an important question. That is the motivation for the International Forum on Sustainability - IFS to support universities that have been and are in the process of sustainable transformation in Vietnam and internationally, especially, in developing countries. The launch event of the IFS forum took place on the morning of December 8, 2022, and received the attention of many universities, businesses, and organizations domestically and abroad through direct and online forms. At the event, the Advisory Board and the Forum Executive Board, which have famous experts and leading universities for sustainable development, officially launched.
The IFS forum will perform 03 main functions including (1) Support program: Organizing conferences, seminars, discussions, short -term courses for "Sustainable Education, Operation and Human-centered University Administration”; (2) Research and development: Developing instruction /sustainable index /performance to guide and help universities of developing countries to take action /measure the sustainability; Implementing R&D integrating sustainable topics to solve the problems of organizations /society. (3) Sharing knowledge: Collecting, displaying, and introducing successful sustainable development programs; Building and developing IFS open data on sustainable development, where parties can share, refer and exchange experiences on sustainable development activities.
In the period of 2022 - 2025, the forum will implement a comprehensive development plan with activities such as Launching Forums (2022); Developing a network of sustainable universities in Vietnam and developing countries through conferences and seminars (2023); Implementing support programs and training students to sustainable university (2024); Developing sustainable indicators for universities, conducting research and development (2025).
The launch of the "International Forum on Sustainability - IFS" on December 8, 2022
The 2nd Zero Waste School Festival: Gathering 70 representatives from schools at all levels nationwide
Education in general and schools in particular play a root and important role, directly associated with shaping, and changing thinking, awareness, and actions of the young generation. This is also the generation of the majority of the community, which can connect with each other, build the recovery capacity of the community and promote social progress. Therefore, the empowerment of these generations to act sustainably is important today. This is also a key point for organizations and educational institutions to accompany and build the Zero Waste story.
With that mission, the Vietnam Zero Waste Alliance has cooperated with the University of  Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH), Pacific Environmental Organization (PE), Network of Zero Waste Schools (Zhub and More), and Humanitarian Social Environment Co., Ltd. In 2022. This annual forum connects schools in Vietnam to pay attention to reducing waste in general, plastic waste in particular, and towards building the Zero Waste model. The event highlights the typical zero waste models in Vietnam and internationally through the sharing of representatives of high schools, junior high schools, Hanoi experimental high schools, Hoa Phu Da Nang Primary School, BFFP, Ms. Kieu Thi Kinh - Representative of the Center for promoting the sustainability of Da Nang Bus, CAB organization, Zhub and More, INSEE ECOCYCLE. Based on that, Vietnam Zero Waste Alliance also discussed the proposal to build Zero Waste School.
The event has the participation of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Ho Chi Minh City, the Institute of Strategy, Policy of Natural Resources and Environment - Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, representatives from solution providers such as Greenhub, Live And Learn, CAB, Bus, WWF, WasteAid, Veca, Recycle One, INSEE, VIETCYCLE, TBC Ball, ... and received the response of more than 70 primary school teachers, junior high schools and universities from Ha Giang, Hanoi, Nam Dinh, Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh City, Kien Giang through online and direct forms. Ms. Quach Thi Xuan - Vietnam Zero Waste Alliance coordinator said: “Building Zero Waste School is a long-term journey with support between parties, especially connecting with educational institutions. This is also considered an inspiring environment for future generations, the later generation of long-term projects that the organization is pursuing toward a green community. We are trying every day to create a strong alliance network with us to carry out this noble mission and would like to thank the management agencies, organizations, schools, universities, and especially, UEH that has accompanied us in the current time. ”
Zero Waste School Festival 2022
The International Conference "Sustainable University Development: Opportunities and Challenges" - Sudoc 2022 has officially closed with remarkable highlights, which is the foundation for the conference to be maintained and implemented more successfully in the upcoming years. This is also a step in UEH's multi-disciplinary and sustainable university strategy to mobilize the community's knowledge sources, and expand the school's approach platforms in the process of implementing this strategy. Overcoming challenges in the first stage of implementation is an effective solution to connect the community to act together for sustainable development.
*SUDOC 2022 is an activity in the Ready For Next program series: The series of programs ready to transform sustainably for the community and society of UEH takes place from December 4 - 10. With the destination being positive values for the community, this is a series of activities that are multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary, focusing on connecting the fields of technology to serve life towards smart cities. Technology combining art and multi-field sustainability fields covers from academic and exchanging forums, and community connections to special artistic inspiration activities such as exhibitions, fashion shows, and concerts.
Additional photos relating to the SUDOC 2022 event:
News, photos: UEH Board of Sustainable University Project, Department of Scientific Management and International Cooperation, Department of Marketing and Communications