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Reinforcing collaboration between industry and university: the JEUL Project brokers cooperation between Europe and Asia

Reinforcing collaboration between industry and university: the JEUL Project brokers cooperation between Europe and Asia

18th and 19th January 2021 – UEH joined the JEUL Virtual Event “University-Industry Links” hosted by Jiangnan University. The two-day event showcased the experience of universities from the Czech Republic, Italy, Lithuania, the UK, China, and Vietnam on the opportunities and challenges of enterprise/university collaboration.  European universities are responsible for helping Vietnamese and Chinese universities in improving their curriculum in order to suit the requirements of the labor market.

Within the framework of the JEUL project, UEH has participated in 06 main work packages as follows:

  1. Establish Links with Industry
  2. Identify skills and knowledge shortages and embed them in curricula
  3. Develop and utilize Case studies in Teaching
  4. Develop teaching material for 2 undergraduate modules on the Enterprise Pathway and a suitable Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) delivery mode
  5. Quality Assurance
  6. Dissemination and Exploitation

During this conference, UEH shared experiences in the linkage of universities and businesses as follows: (1) UEH has signed MOU, MOA with enterprises recently in areas such as training, research, consulting, recruitment, internships; (2) Introduction of corporation between UEH and enterprises in training, especially the Enterprise Term. (3) Inviting enterprises to participate in training and teaching Soft Skills subject and expertise; (4) In order to combine theory and practice UEH invites businesses to participate in teaching 30% of the subjects. (5) Developing the Alumni network in linking teaching, scientific research, and financial support.

The JEUL project aims at bridging the world of education and the world of work by empowering teaching staff with tools to engage enterprises in curriculum development and joint-teaching as well as equipping the placement and career offices of universities to better engage enterprises for the transition of students in the labor market.

Moreover, the project partially sponsored UEH to build a UEH Simulation Center with the aim of applying an advanced teaching model in the direction of shortening the gap between theory and practice, helping students better adapt to the technology environment in the Banking - Finance - Securities sector. The simulation center will be used to simulate real transactions on the virtual Core-banking model, the stock, foreign exchange, derivatives and other markets. The simulation center helps students get access to practice while they are still studying at the university, thereby facilitating the combination of theory and practice; lecturers can perform teaching as well as to conduct research on the database of the Simulation Center. Now Core-Banking subject has been taught in the Simulation Center.

In addition, UEH has signed bilateral cooperation agreements, academic exchanges, and exchange of teachers and students with European universities such as Skoda Auto University, Vilnius University, Siena University.

Learn more about JEUL and UEH: