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Report on the Project to improve the quality of the team in terms of expertise, English and increase the proportion of international lecturers at UEH

Report on the Project to improve the quality of the team in terms of expertise, English and increase the proportion of international lecturers at UEH

This is one of the 9 key projects of UEH in the period of 2021 - 2025 to propose new policies in UEH human resource development and propose specific tasks and implementation roadmaps to achieve the quality of the team and increase in the proportion of international lecturers and experts at UEH.

The program welcomed the participation of Prof.Dr. Nguyen Dong Phong - University Council President; Prof.Dr. Su Dinh Thanh - Principal; Prof.Dr. Nguyen Trong Hoai - Vice Principal; Dr. Bui Quang Hung - Vice Principal; Assoc.Prof.Dr. Phan Thi Bich Nguyet - Chairman of Advisory Council; project team; representatives of the leaders of the faculties/training institutes; Board of Manager; Office; representatives of the training faculties of Vinh Long Branch.

An overview of the group project report

At the reporting session, Dr. Le Nhat Hanh - Member of the project team presented the basis of the project implementation from the policies of the state; scientific basis, international reference and practical experience of domestic and foreign schools to increase the proportion of international lecturers.

Dr. Nguyen Thi Doan Tran - Member of the project team continued the presentation with sharing about the status of professional qualifications, English proficiency, the proportion of international lecturers at UEH; Policies that promote UEH-ers learning, improve proficiency and performance at the main campus. At the same time, Dr. Doan Tran outlines the current UEH regulations on English proficiency standards; statistics on the level of English proficiency of lecturers and the results of UEH's English training organization in the 2016-2020 period; the situation of International lecturers/experts at UEH and the current policies to attract international lecturers.

Dr. Bui Quang Hung - Head of the project team presents the general objectives of the project and specific goals for the period 2020 - 2025. Accordingly, in the next period, the percentage of UEH's doctorates will increase to 60% to 70% in the total number of teaching staff; 100% of lecturers and management staff have English proficiency as prescribed by UEH; adding 30 Associate Professors to the teaching team of the school; the rate of international faculty is 20%, of which 50 are full-time faculty; building a network of international lecturers and experts who have come, worked, cooperated in teaching, research,... with UEH. Dr. Bui Quang Hung also presented solutions to improve education; increase the percentage of professors and associate professors; fostering; recruitment with limitations and sanctions measures; solutions to improve English proficiency and sanctions for non-standard cases; solutions to increase the international faculty proportion and content, progress, and assignment of specific tasks.

Dr. Le Nhat Hanh presents the basis of the project

Dr. Nguyen Thi Doan Tran shared about the status of professional qualifications, English proficiency, the proportion of international lecturers at UEH

Dr. Bui Quang Hung - Project team leader presents general objectives of the project and specific objectives for the period 2020 - 2025, solutions, progress and specific tasks assignment.

On behalf of the school leaders, Prof.Dr. Nguyen Dong Phong - President of the School Council highly appreciated the report content of the project group, having a basis for implementation, sanctions and a clear time frame. He suggested that the group edit, supplement and complete according to the comments from the leaders of the units; send school officials to receive their comments before issuing and implementing according to the set time frame.

Prof.Dr. Nguyen Dong Phong - President of the School Council gave a summary speech

We hope that the project will soon be implemented according to the specified time frame and achieve the expected results, meet the requirements of internationalization and develop prestige and academic reputation of the University, step by step making UEH become a multi-discipline, multi-field university, thereby having a place in prestigious rankings in the region.

News, photos: Marketing - Communication Department, Project team.