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Same-Sex Marriage Legalization: Satisfactory Rights Or Unreasonable Demands?

Same-Sex Marriage Legalization: Satisfactory Rights Or Unreasonable Demands?

Along with the significant development of the LGBTQ+ community, the cohabitation of same-sex couples has become more and more popular and widely accepted in recent years. However, the legalization of same-sex marriage is still a hotly debated topic, and besides supportive opinions, there are still many criticisms and doubts. It is thought that LGBTQ+ community is asking for too many rights. Is it so?
According to the Cambridge dictionary, same-sex marriage is between two people of the same biological sex. Between them exists love, empathy, understanding, and attachment to each other and the desire to build a long-term and sustainable relationship.
Current status of same-sex marriage
      According to the latest statistics, by 2022, it has been 33 countries worldwide legalizing same-sex marriage. Accordingly, people of the same sex can legally marry each other and have the same legal rights and interests as heterosexual couples. However, in many countries, it is still illegal to marry people of the same sex. In Africa, there are approximately 30 countries that prohibit same-sex relations, including Mauritania, Somalia, and Sudan apply the death penalty to people who are in a same-sex relationship.
Same-sex marriage advocates celebrate after Taiwan became the first country in Asia to legalize (Source: Reuters)
      In the past, Vietnamese law banned same-sex marriage (Clause 5, Article 10 of the Law on Marriage and Family 2000). Although there has been a deregulation, the State still does not recognize marriage between people who has the same sex (Clause 2, Article 8 of the Law on Marriage and Family 2014). Although Vietnamese law no longer prohibits it, it does not recognize the legality of same-sex marriage. Without legal recognition, people of the same sex cannot register marriage at a competent agency and are not protected by the Gorvenment for their rights and obligations. They will not be protected in their personal and property relations then they will not have hands such as guardianship, legal representation, adoption rights, ownership rights, common property, inheritance, right to social benefits in the name of husband and wife.
For or against same-sex marriage?
      Human rights are sacred human rights, protected and recognized by law for all human beings regardless of gender, race, nationality or religion. Therefore, the right to get married is also one of the simple human rights to freely get happiness. Legalizing same-sex marriage is about respecting the fundamental rights of every human being, ensuring all citizens enjoy the same rights and obligations, and ensuring fairness, equality, and social values.
      It is believed that same-sex marriage is not in accordance with Vietnamese cultural traditions and customs. We understand that culture and customs are human values ​​and lifestyles, created by people and not used to bind people. In the past, it was a cultural tradition that women stayed at home to take care of the household chores and serve their husbands and children. It was unthinkable for women to go to school and work like men. However, that cultural tradition has now also changed, proving that for people to develop, outdated cultural traditions and customs need to be changed and eliminated, towards a more civilized and advanced society.
      In addition, many people are afraid that same-sex marriage will reduce the population and even lead to death. Because they think same-sex couples cannot bring a child into the world, or children raised by same-sex couples will be “infected with” their parent's sexual orientation. First of all, developing science and an open society have opened up many options for same-sex couples to have a baby. They can choose modern assisted reproductive methods such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and artificial insemination (IUI) or ask for a surrogate. Moreover, same-sex marriage does not affect the birth of children of opposite-sex couples. Thus, the population decline due to same-sex marriage only occurs when a number of the world's population decides to marry the same sex and chooses not to have children. In fact, statistics from countries that legalize same-sex marriage show that their population status remains stably. Secondly, if based on the argument that children will “be infected with” parents' sexual orientation, the fact that heterosexual couples have gay children has not happened. But the reality is quite the opposite because sexual orientation is a natural human factor, an individual's nature at birth, unchangeable, and is not a disease or bad habit that can be infectious. Then, it can be seen that the legalization of same-sex marriage does not infringe on the legitimate rights or interests of others. It not only does not cause adverse effects on people and society, but also brings acceptance and protection, respect and equality for the LGBTQ+ community, which is a normal and natural part of society and cannot be erased or separated.
People's Artist Kim Xuân signed to support same-sex marriage (Source: Phụ Nữ News)
Socio-economic perspectives from the legalization of same-sex marriage
Reducing stigma, discrimination and minority tension
      Legalizing same-sex marriage conveys the message that all people have equal rights; prejudice and discrimination are unacceptable, in order to protect minority communities, reduce stigma and discrimination, and help society become more open and civilized, toward a sustainable community and society.
Improving the quality of life and quality of marriage 
        Legalization of same-sex marriage, synonymous with recognition and assurance of the law, helps to increase the stability, commitment, and long-term responsibility of same-sex couples so that they make efforts to raise life's quality and the quality of the relationship between two individuals in society. Besides, the recognition of the law also helps to reduce social pressure on parents whose children belong to LGBTQ+, their psychology will be partly relieved when they know that their children also have the opportunity to get married and create a new life and settle down like others. Thus, this helps change parents' minds and limit the situation of children being discriminated against and domestic violence by their parents.
Promoting economic growth
      Legalizing same-sex marriage will help increase revenue for the marriage and wedding industry and family-building-related industries such as furniture, real estate, baby supplies, and so on. According to the research reporting "Evaluating the economic impact of policies on same-sex marriage in Vietnam" conducted by the Institute for Research in Society, Economics and Environment (iSEE), the Center for Economic and Research and Vietnam Strategy (VESS) (2021), the recognition of same-sex marriage can bring the above industries an increase in revenue from 5.26% to 12.36% compared to the case of non-recognition.
      Besides, legalizing same-sex marriage will be a legal, cognitive and cultural premise for businesses to add supportive policies and build a friendly working environment, reduce stigma and discrimination, improve the work performance of the LGBTQ+ community and people around them, and contribute to the quality of business operations. In addition, the recognition of same-sex marriage can also attract labor from the foreign LGBTQ+ community. For all of the above reasons, it is evaluated by the research reporting “Evaluating the economic impact of policies on same-sex marriage in Vietnam”, legalizing same-sex marriage can bring an increase in GDP per year from 0.17% to 0.44% in the short term and from 1.65% to 4.36% a year in the long term.
      To sum up, it can be noticed that the legalization of same-sex marriage not only shows equality and respect for human rights but also brings practical socio-economic benefits. The LGBTQ+ community has the right to fight and hope for an equal future, where everyone can freely pursue happiness and have the right to marry regardless of gender or sexual orientation. Overall, righteous happiness, which comes from sincere love between two honest people, is nothing to be ashamed of or to hide.
News, Pic: Department of Student Affairs UEH
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