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UEH News

The Story of Giving #4: Behind the number 15,583,590,336

The Story of Giving #4: Behind the number 15,583,590,336

Incubated for a long time, The Story of Giving email series has, so far, been sent out in all 3 periods and gradually become a monthly companion, telling us meaningful stories and projects accompanied by positive values ​​to the community.
Knowing that we are always so busy with work cycles, UEH hopes that when The Story of Giving letter arrives in your inbox, it is time for us to stop for a moment to listen to life more.
Through each issue of The Story of Giving, UEH appreciates your love for UEH, especially for future generations of knowledge. Any support from you is of great value to the university. Up to now, the Giving to UEH program has received 15,583,590,336 VND of love from more than 50 domestic and international organizations, businesses, associations, and 200 alumni, students, and 500 officials and employees at UEH. Among them were:
3,660,698,531 VND contribution/ 10,000,000,000 VND call for Talent Nurturing category (Scholarship for Developing Talents and Winging Dreams each semester);
434,203,584 VND contribution/ 15,000,000,000 VND calling for the International Reach category (improving facilities, inviting international experts, creating conditions for UEH team to participate in international academic activities);
11,321,655,057 VND contribution/ 10,000,000,000 VND call for the category of Knowledge Dissemination (organization of scientific seminars, incubation, start-ups);
167,033,164 VND contribution/ 3,000,000,000 VND call for the Sustainable Action category (UEH Zero Waste project, a project to support digital transformation in teaching and learning activities for Global Learning high schools).
From that love, we have together created meaningful Giving programs for the community in general and UEH in particular as follows:
Talent Nurturing Category: Awarding 1056 Study Encouragement Scholarships, 681 Study Support Scholarships, giving wings to dreams from UEH’s funding and Giving sources from organizations and businesses like: Luong Van Can Scholarship; Dream Wing Scholarship – HD Bank; Scholarship from An Binh Commercial Joint Stock Bank; Scholarship from Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank (MB Bank); Scholarship from South Asia Commercial Joint Stock Bank; KIS Securities Corporation Scholarship and so on.
International Reach Category: Officially put into operation the variety of new facilities and utilities to serve lecturers and students at campuses A, H, B, N; inviting the world's top speakers to participate in sharing at seminars listed as: Prof. Carol Alexander (Professor of Finance, University of Sussex, UK, Co-editor of the Journal of Banking and Finance), Prof. Guido Friebel (Dean of Human Resources at Goethe University, Germany; Co-editor of Economics Transition and Institutional Change), Prof. Andreas Stoffers (Country Director of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation Institute (FNF) in Vietnam), Prof. Vu Minh Khuong (Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, Singapore), and Prof. Gabriel S. Lee (University of Regensburg, Germany): Accompanying supporting the cost for the lecturers at UEH to attend international seminars and participate in short-term study abroad.
Knowledge Dissemination Category: Organizing domestic and international seminars with the participation of world-leading experts and speakers listed as The 4th Asia Scientific Conference on Business and  Economics Studies – ACBES 2022; Workshop “Innovation and Sustainable Entrepreneurship” within the framework of the Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Learning Network (ALN);  the International Conference ICBF 2022; Sharing the free knowledge series to the “Research Contribute for All” community with more than 50 practical applied research topics; Continuing to organize the selection of incubation projects for the second phase of 2022 in Ho Chi Minh City and Vinh Long; Organizing the UEH Biztech Hackathon.
Sustainable Action Category: Organizing Green Living Contests for Students; Sharing knowledge series Rethink and Be Green; Building Zero Waste propaganda activities at the campuses. Initially inspecting garbage and garbage classification and deployment of UEH Zero Waste Station at campus V. In 2021, UEH Global Learning project has transferred completely free of charge to high schools the UEH Global Online Learning System with 3 important features, UEH University has implemented a training series and transferred to more than 30 high schools in 13 Mekong Delta Provinces and regularly organized training sessions.
There are more meaningful projects and activities for the community in 2022 that need your companionship and support. All companion information from the community will be displayed at the Giving Tree website //givingtree.mediadasar.com/. Let’s continue to spread good values ​​together. UEH would like to send the most sincere thanks to our readers for listening and sharing. Wish you a lot of health!
Best regards,
UEH Leadership
For a more sustainable future – Working together for a sustainable future