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UEH News

UEH accompanies students with disabilities

UEH accompanies students with disabilities

“Education helps people find themselves” (Socrates). University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) has fulfilled this educational mission by creating a learning environment where learners are given the best learning conditions to develop themselves. The value also lies in the fact that UEH is especially interested in creating opportunities for people with disabilities to study, train and contribute equally as everyone else in the community through financial support, facilities, specialized equipment, etc.

For many years, UEH has always focused on policies to support, take care of the life and activities of learners with disabilities. Their own extraordinary will and energy, UEH’s support, and the community's contribution have helped learners with disabilities have more motivation to overcome their fate and achieve high achievements in learning and training. In the coming time, the university will continue to create the best conditions for students who are physically and mentally disadvantaged and create an equal learning environment, access to quality education and spread the spirit of humanity to act together for sustainable development.

Understanding, empathizing, and wishing to inspire learners with disabilities to rise up, realize their dreams of conquering knowledge, and making useful contributions to society, UEH always prioritises enrollment applications according to the regulations. Regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training for candidates with disabilities accompany them throughout their study journey at the university with many financial support policies by term or entire course for each specific case. In particular, UEH always focuses on the physical, mental health and safety of learners with disabilities through the construction of a system of specialized facilities as well as suitable training and counselling activities. Prof. Dr. Su Dinh Thanh - UEH President, shared: “During 45 years of establishment and development, the University has always created the best and most comprehensive conditions for learners with disabilities. Taking care of students is UEH’s principal responsibility to share and connect to motivate to help the disabled community overcome barriers, nurture development on the path of their study, research and achieve success in the future”.

Student Mai Van Hien (Course 42 - Formal university course) showed his musical talent in the UEH’s awarding ceremony of scholarships and other forms of support

Various forms of financial support for learners with disabilities

Understanding that covering tuition costs is a big problem in the learning process of learners, especially learners with disabilities, besides the State's tuition support policies, UEH also supports additional expenses and awards other scholarships to share and motivate them. Expressly, UEH actively waives tuition fees for students eligible for an exemption or reduction under current State regulations. For the others, the university will consider and grant scholarships of 100% for students with severe disabilities and 50% for students with mild disabilities. In addition, learners with disabilities at UEH will be given an additional 1,000,000 VND/year to purchase personal learning tools. In addition, the university has been cooperating with businesses and partners to provide gifts and long-term scholarships to students with disabilities to motivate them on their learning journey.

Equipped with specialized facilities and equipment to support learning and moving

With the desire to create a safe learning environment and maximum support for learners' travel needs, especially learners with disabilities, UEH has built elevators at the campuses and student dormitories; aisles and toilets are specially designed, convenient for learners with disabilities. In addition, UEH will equip vehicles, specialized equipment for learners with disabilities in the learning area and learning aids in the classroom to help learners with disabilities move comfortably and learn effectively.

Student Truong Truc Phuong (Course 45 - Formal university course) came to UEH for admission procedures

Dedicated care and companionship with learners with disabilities in all aspects

Besides financial support, facilities and equipment for learning, UEH is also very interested in the suitability of the training program with the physical and mental health of learners with disabilities. UEH will consider the curriculum to meet the health status of the learners but ensure the transmission of necessary knowledge, physical education, and other courses that are not suitable with the requirements. Health requirements will be exempted or transferred to other forms, creating the most favourable conditions for learners with disabilities. At the same time, UEH is flexible in mid-term or end-of-term exams, from written to oral exams for blind learners. In addition, the university has counsellors and a medical team to take care of mental health for learners with disabilities regularly to provide timely support. In particular, learners with disabilities can fully participate in programs and extra-curricular activities from the Youth Union, Student Association, and clubs/teams/groups suitable to the physical condition and interests of learners with disabilities to get on well and express themselves in the dynamic environment at UEH.

When coming to UEH, students with disabilities will always be accompanied and supported by the university to easily integrate, adapt and have a great student life experience like other students. The support team at UEH is like sincere friends, who always listen, share, advocate and rationally solve the affairs arising from learners, especially for learners with disabilities. Therefore, the policies, support activities, and humanity are expected to be a valuable source of encouragement for learners with disabilities to study and contribute to the sustainable development of UEH University in the future.

See the announcement on the implementation of the Policy to support learners with disabilities at LINK.

Contact information: UEH Department of Student Affairs (DSA)

W: dsa.mediadasar.com

E: [email protected]


H: (028) 7306 1976 - Ext: 2

News, Photo: UEH Department of Student Affairs