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UEH and People’s Committee of Long An Province Signing a Memorandum of Agreement in the 2022 - 2025 Period

UEH and People’s Committee of Long An Province Signing a Memorandum of Agreement in the 2022 - 2025 Period

On the afternoon of April 13th, 2022, at the Auditorium of the People’s Committee of Long An Province, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City and People’s Committee of Long An Province officially signed a Memorandum of Agreement in the period of 2022 - 2025.

Attending the Signing Ceremony, in terms of UEH, was Prof. Nguyen Dong Phong - Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of UEH Council, Prof. Su Dinh Thanh - President of UEH, Dr. Dinh Cong Khai - Deputy Head of UEH College of Economics, Law and Government, Assoc. Prof. Ho Viet Tien - Dean at Graduate School, Dr. Nguyen Tan Khuyen - Head of Department of Inspectorate, Assoc. Prof. Tu Van Binh - Deputy Dean at Graduate School, Mr. Le Dong Du - Deputy Head of Administration Office.

In terms of the People’s Committee of Long An Province, there were Mr. Mai Van Nhieu - Member of the Standing Provincial Committee, Vice Chairman of the People’s Council, Mr. Le Thanh Nghiem - Member of the Standing Provincial Committee, Head of Board of Management of the Provincial Committee, Mr. Pham Tan Hoa - Member of the Provincial Committee, Vice President of the People’s Committee.

Overview of the Signing Ceremony

At the Ceremony, the Vice President of the Provincial People’s Committee - Mr. Pham Tan Hoa informed that in the past few years, Long An had extremely paid attention to the affiliation of domestic and international institutes and schools in carrying out the mission of providing human resources for the Province while identifyig that the selection of signing a memorandum of agreement with University of Economics HCMC would be a true orientation due to its position and roles during 45 years of establishment and development. This marked its achievements on the map of the Vietnamese and the world’s higher education system. Additionally, a diversity of Long An’s citizens have learned, been trained, and grew up at UEH and come back to contribute to constructing and developing their hometown.

Mr. Pham Tan Hoa - Vice President of the Provincial People’s Committee - stating at the Ceremony

Prof. Su Dinh Thanh - President of University of Economics HCMC - affirmed: “The profound relationship between UEH and Long An Province is fostered and developed in generations. Currently, UEH is eagerly participating in multidisciplinary and multi-field training, especially training human resources serving policy planning process and public management in the Mekong Delta River Region, in which Long An is a part”.

In the spirit of cooperation, the two sides discussed and made a decision on signing a memorandum of agreement on the cooperation content in the 2022 - 2025 period.

Representatives of UEH and those of Peple’s Committee of Long An Province signed the Memorandum of Agreement

In accordance with that, University of Economics HCMC and People’s Committee of Long An Province will collaborate on fostering, updating, and advancing the knowledge of governors, state officials, and employees, for source officials at Committee-, Provincial-, and District-level according to the demand of the Province and advise the Province on policies. Therefore, the knowledge of governors, state officials, employees and citizens is upgraded and has been contributing to responding to the management requirement of the leading and managerial tasks of the province and the high-quality human resources demand in locals affiliated with the economic-motivational regions of the province.

Representatives of UEH and those of People’s Committee of Long An Province exchanging souvenirs

With a restructuring strategy forming a Sustainable and Multidisciplinary University, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City is gradually increasing its academic reputation, connecting with the community through the cooperation relationships with organizations, corporates, and individuals to spread practical values to the community and society.

News, photos: Department of Marketing and Communication, UEH Graduate School