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UEH College of Business - Member of the Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University

UEH College of Business - Member of the Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University

The year 2023 ended with extremely worthy results for the relentless efforts of the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) on the journey of educating and training high-quality human resources in the field of economics, business, research, and cooperation, aiming at integration and knowledge transfer. Let's join UEH College of Business (COB) to look back at the achievements and outstanding marks in 2023, contributing to the overall development of UEH's strategy of becoming a Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University.

Outstanding results in training activities

UEH College of Business offers Business and related programs, including 15 undergraduate programs, 9 master's programs, and 4 doctoral programs. In particular, the college has led in developing a new program, Marketing Technology (Martech), and called for the first course in 2023. Arranging diverse majors in groups within one school facilitates multidisciplinary development, with a training scale of up to 20,000 undergraduate students, graduate students, and research fellows each year. In addition to continuous efforts to develop strongly in both quantity and quality, in 2023, COB also built and completed partial English and full English programs for admission. In particular, the University focuses on developing undergraduate and postgraduate programs (Masters and Doctorate) according to international standards recognized and awarded by UEH and/or international partner universities.

In addition to formal university training, UEH College of Business also establishes a short-term training center - Human Resource Development Institute (Huredin) - with the strength of economics and management, leading and managing human resources through practical programs with periodic enrollment and in-house programs designed according to business requirements. In addition, Huredin also conducts applied research consulting for nearly 200 companies and businesses and projects on territorial planning and industry development planning for southern provinces and cities: Binh Duong, Ba Ria - Vung Tau, Lam Dong, Ninh Thuan, Long An, Ca Mau, etc.

Open and highly interconnected programs of UEH member schools and international partner universities have helped COB contribute more to the general development orientation of UEH. Specifically, many COB programs have been successfully accredited according to FIBBA standards in 2023, increasing the number of accredited programs throughout the University, listed as Business Administration, International Business, Marketing, Commercial Business, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Accounting, Auditing, or according to AUN standards listed as Finance - Banking, etc. Many programs are recognized by prestigious professional associations in the world such as CFA, ICEAW, ACCA, CPA, FRM, CMT, etc.

Scientific research achievements and increased number of international publications

In parallel with the education mission, UEH College of Business had important achievements in research, consulting, and knowledge transfer activities with recognition from the domestic and international scientific community that contributed to the development of UEH's academic reputation domestically and internationally. UEH College of Business lecturers have conducted many studies in the fields of business, management, finance - banking - accounting, tourism, etc. and achieved remarkable results in 2023: 62 journal articles recognized by the State Council for Professors (under 1 point); 19 articles published in journals recognized by the State Council of Professors (1 point, Vietnamese and English versions); 25 articles published in the Proceedings of the national conference, or published on the website of the conference organizer and with ISSN or ISBN; 78 Conference articles published in the International Proceedings were by international publishers, in the form of book chapters or articles, with ISSN or ISBN; 6 enterprise-consulting projects; 6 ministerial-level and equivalent projects (including training human resources at international level in Finance and Banking assigned ny the City); 2 State-level projects; 21 school-level/regional school-level projects, key school-level projects; 1 Nafosted topic; especially 123 articles published in international journals under the category ISI (SSCI, SCIE)/SCOPUS subgroups Q1,2,3,4 or ABDC grade A, A*, etc.

Along with that are the efforts of the University and its affiliated schools in successfully organizing conferences at the School, National, and International levels that have an impact on the community. Following the success of international conferences that have taken place in countries as Japan, Singapore, Korea, Australia, etc. UEH College of Business and Luxury Brandings Research Center and Curtin University (Australia) co-organized the International conference "Mystique Of Luxury Brands - MLB 2023" on November 9-10, 2023 at UEH. The conference attracted more than 200 scholars from 15 countries around the world. In addition, the Conference is also honored to receive the sponsorship of prestigious international journals such as Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, Journal of Global Fashion Marketing.

Representatives of UEH, UEH College of Business, Curtin University, speakers, and authors took some photos at the International Conference Mystique of Luxury Brands 2023

These achievements once again affirm the efforts of all members of COB to contribute to UEH's strategy and orientation on promoting research and increasing international publications.

Talented COB Students

The year 2023 also recognizes the achievements and efforts of COB students - dynamic young talents who have conquered many proud milestones. With the companionship and encouragement from lecturers, COB students had outstanding achievements in academic competitions and participated in national and international conferences. These activities helped students build the mindset to identify, evaluate, analyze, and make scientifically-based decisions, and is an opportunity for students to apply the theories they have learned to solve practical problems. Student groups have been guided and supported by lecturers and obtained many achievements:

Science and Technology Awards for students in higher education institutions in 2023, students of the College of Business were honored to win 2 Second prizes, 5 Third prizes, and 3 Consolation prizes;

At the 25th Euréka Research Award for Student 2023, students from the College of Business were honored to win 1 Third Prize and 2 Consolation Prizes.

The school also enhanced opportunities for international exchange and cultural experience for students through summer camp programs for two student groups in Taiwan and Indonesia. In addition, the college also welcomed a group of Taiwanese students from Kaohsiung National University for 1-2 semesters and a group of students from the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) to the project in Ho Chi Minh City and Lam Dong province.

COB delegation participated in the "Summer Camp & Global Immersion Program" in the innovative city of Bandung, Indonesia from August 6 - August 13, 2023

Efforts to connect the community

Not only focusing on developing education and research, UEH College of Business has also made efforts and promoted collaborative activities, community connections, and designed projects that have meaningful results in enhancing innovation and solutions that bring useful values, opportunities to experience intellectual values and self-development for learners. The college has actively connected with 8 domestic and 13 international partners and businesses to exchange students by semester and lecturers, coordinate with businesses to provide students with field trips, internships and research projects; organize career counseling, equip soft skills for students, etc. In addition, the college has built free courses on the online platform for students and the community to create useful values for society.

COB Union Activities

Promoting tradition and collective strength, COB Union always focuses on fulfilling its roles and responsibilities, deploying and encouraging union members to fully participate in activities organized by UEH Union, as well as paying attention to visiting, encouraging, connecting activities, contributing to improving the qualifications of COB union members.

Typical activities that the COB Trade Union has organized in 2023 was the COB Family Festival on June 25, 2023 with the theme "Dreaming of Wonderland", to create a playground for connection between members within the COBers family and exchange and bond between schools within the University. The festival attracted more than 50 families with nearly 200 members in all activities. In addition, COB Union hosted 5 English Coffee Talks to create an environment to exchange and practice English, helping UEH officials and employees improve their communication skills and confidently use English in daily work.

Families participating in the COB Family Festival "Dreaming of Wonderland"

The officials participated in one of the English Coffee Talks sessions organized by the COB Union

Ready for the journey to become a top business school in the South

The achievements obtained over the past 2 years are a solid foundation for UEH College of Business to keep carrying out its mission of serving learners, alumni, businesses, social organizations, government, and the academia, contributing to UEH's Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University strategy. Following previous success, UEH College of Business will continue to reach out with development orientations for 2024:

*In terms of training

Implementing the strategy: (1) Training learners to succeed in future jobs; (2) Developing learners into global citizens; (3) Promoting learners' personal abilities; and (4) Improving teaching quality. Accordingly:

The school continues to improve its program in a multidisciplinary and highly practical direction, integrating technology and the digital economy, adapting to future jobs of the 4.0 industrial revolution era, to help learners succeed in the labor market and life.

Implementing the strategy of internationalizing teaching by continuously updating programs according to international standards, enhancing teaching in English, and inviting international lecturers to participate in training and consulting activities. Concurrently, the UEH University and its Schools constantly promote international student and faculty exchange programs, thereby contributing to equipping learners with global skills and thinking to apply in work and life.

Building personalized programs to help maximize each individual's unique abilities while continuing to implement activities to improve the teaching quality of lecturers.

Using common faculty resources in COB, monitor and supervise teaching quality.

Developing business simulation projects to serve COB general training activities.

*In terms of research

In the upcoming time, UEH College of Business will continue to make efforts to increase the number of academic research, international publications, and invest deeply in excellent research, striving to successfully organize international conferences with business partners with COB's brand. In addition, the college invests in promoting applied research, meets market needs, and operates diverse policies in assigned fields. The college also aims to build a standard, motivating, equitable, and diverse research environment for all components of the research ecosystem including lecturers, researchers, graduate students and research fellows.

*In terms of international cooperation

UEH College of Business will continue to expand its diverse international research network in the fields of education and research. Diversity is also reflected in the geographical distribution of the network and the characteristics of partners (universities, research institutes, international organizations, NGOs). At the same time, the University focuses on increasing international programs to increase the proportion of international students and lecturers to UEH. Besides traditional training partners from Australia, Europe and the United States, the School focus on the education market of Southeast Asian countries.

*In terms of social impacts

With the mission of contributing to building a better and more developed society, UEH College of Business is committed to the role and the implementation of social responsibilities of the university to the people and community; joining with local communities and social organizations in designing and implementing development programs for a fair, equitable society that respects diversity, implementing activities to promote environmental protection in schools, UEH, communities, localities, and around the globe, enhancing the integration of the contents of the UEH Sustainable University Project into the University's activities.

*In terms of administration and operations

UEH College of Business' management and operation orientation is based on synergy, efficiency, and adaptability to change. The college is committed to creating a unified and united member community to contribute to the development of Multidisciplinary and Sustainable UEH, having a strategy to connect lecturers, staff, and learners to join in all areas, from scientific research - international cooperation to teaching, developing interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary programs, and social activities.

The school will coordinate with units, departments, divisions, and UEH member colleges to continue implementing digital transformation to serve teaching, research and administration, invest in and develop a team of high-quality lecturers, increase the proportion of lecturers with PhD degrees, Associate Professor, and Professor titles, and improve English proficiency each year. At the same time, UEH College of Business will coordinates with departments and member colleges to continue building a good working environment, solidarity, dedication, sharing, innovation, and promoting personal responsibility.

Continuing the rich history of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, UEH College of Business is determined to continuously build a quality higher education environment, a place to train global citizens, and a launching pad for the dreams and ambitions of learners, and bring good values to the community and society.

News, photos: UEH College of Business