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UEH Faculty of Law organized the Scientific Seminar focusing on the new points of Enterprise Law and Investment Law

UEH Faculty of Law organized the Scientific Seminar focusing on the new points of Enterprise Law and Investment Law

On the morning of December 18th, 2020, at hall B1-205, Faculty of Law - University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) organized the Scientific Seminar about "Enterprise Law and Investment Law" to share insights and suggestions on the implementation of two newly enacted laws with researchers, lecturers from other training departments and businesses.

Attending the Seminar, there were researchers, lecturers, lawyers and people doing practical work from training institutions, business organizations such as Dr. Du Ngoc Bich (Head of Faculty of Law, Ho Chi Minh City Open University), Dr. Le Thi Tuyet Ha (Head of Faculty of Commercial Law, Ho Chi Minh City Open University), MSc. Tu Thanh Thao (Lecturer of Faculty of Commercial Law, Ho Chi Minh City University of Law), Lawyer Vo Hai Son (Legal Department, GS E&C Vietnam Company); lawyers and other practitioners who are graduates, postgraduates and those are studying in doctoral and master's programs at the Faculty of Law, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City.

Speaking at the opening of the Seminar, Dr. Tran Huynh Thanh Nghi - Head of the Department of Economic Law and the Head of the Seminar's organizers said that the Enterprise Law 2020 and the Investment Law of 2020 have recently been passed by the National Assembly with a high rate of agreement. The researching and understanding of these two newly issued laws aimed at sharing academic research among researchers, lecturers from other training institutions and enterprises, and concurrently commenting on implementing the Enterprise Law and Investment Law in the coming time.

Dr. Tran Huynh Thanh Nghi, the representative of the Organizers, gave the opening speech

Dr. Duong Kim The Nguyen, Head of the Faculty of Law, gave the opening speech

Following the opening remarks, Dr. Duong Kim The Nguyen, Head of the Faculty of Law, said that the UEH Faculty of Law has also actively participated in professional research activities in addition to teaching activities. In 2020, scientific research activities of faculty members had considerably flourished. Besides domestic publications, many international studies from lecturers of the Faculty of Law have been published. At least three research papers have been published in ISI and SCOPUS systems. He especially emphasized that the training orientation of the Faculty of Law, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City aims to provide high-quality human resources for the law profession, specializing in Business Law. All things considered, the Seminar served as an excellent opportunity for academic exchange between researchers and enterprises. In the future, the Faculty of Law wishes to organize more academic activities to meet the needs of spreading and sharing knowledge to the whole society.

After the opening session, the Seminar entered the first session on Investment Law under the direction of Dr. Tran Huynh Thanh Nghi and Dr. Duong Kim The Nguyen. The first session focused on discussing new points of the Enterprise Law with topics on: enterprise establishment, enterprise seal, State enterprise, and corporate governance.

Dr. Tran Huynh Thanh Nghi and Dr. Duong Kim The Nguyen co-chaired the first discussion session on Enterprise Law

Dr. Nguyen Thi Anh began her speech with many new points on Enterprise establishment under the Enterprise Law 2020. Accordingly, the enterprise registration procedure has undergone many interesting reforms, especially the emergence of regulations relating to the business name and seal. At the Seminar, the topic of State-owned enterprises was deeply concerned by the participants. Many studies on new regulations in the form of State-owned enterprises were presented at the Seminar. Besides, regulations on corporate governance of joint-stock companies are also discussed. In general, regulations on corporate governance of joint-stock companies have not really created a breakthrough in the corporate legal environment.

Dr. Nguyen Thi Anh opened the presentation by going through the new points in business registration under the new Enterprise Law 2020

Dr. Le Na presented the history of the State-owned enterprises institutions in the Vietnam Law

Dr. Du Ngoc Bich discussed the corporate governance structure

MSc. Tu Thanh Thao commented, discussed additional issues on the new Enterprise Law and Investment Law at the Seminar

Dr. Nguyen Thi Thu Hien discussed joint-stock company governance from the perspective of enterprise practices

In the second session on the Investment Law under Dr. Tran Huynh Thanh Nghi and Dr. Tran Van Long's direction, the Seminar focused on discussing foreign investment procedures and investor's rights and obligations. This session took place excitedly from the speeches "New points of the Investment Law and its impact on real estate business" of Lawyer Vo Hai Son, "Legal framework on investment in some countries and in Vietnam" by Dr. Tran Huynh Thanh Nghi, and the discussion of Dr. Le Thi Tuyet Ha. Although it has been amended in the spirit of creating an open mechanism for foreign investment activities, in general, the new Investment Law has not opened the way to welcome capital. Many places in the law are still vague, not clearly explained, creating reservations in making investing decisions. Researchers believe that investment legislation should require closer coordination of regulators and improved legislative techniques.

Dr. Tran Huynh Thanh Nghi and Dr. Tran Van Long co-chaired the second discussion session on Investment Law

Dr. Le Hung Long discussed the concept of State-owned enterprises in the Enterprise Law 2020


Dr. Le Thi Tuyet Ha discussed Investment Law

MSc. Le Thuy Khanh made a presentation on "Reforming the corporate seal from the perspective of administrative management"

            An overview of the Seminar on Enterprise Law and Investment Law

The Seminar ended at 11:45 AM on the same day. The Seminar contributed to clarifying many new contents of the Law of Investment and discovered the inadequacies, simultaneously contributing many ideas to improve the Law on Investment and Enterprises in the coming time.

News articles: Faculty of Law, Department of Marketing and Communication