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UEH has officially achieved our strategic goal for the period 2020-2030: Entering the Top 401+ Best Universities in Asia in accordance with the QS Asia Ranking 2023

UEH has officially achieved our strategic goal for the period 2020-2030: Entering the Top 401+ Best Universities in Asia in accordance with the QS Asia Ranking 2023

Recently, Quacquarelli Symonds Education Organization (QS), UK has announced the results of ranking The Best Universities in Asia 2023 (QS Asia University Rankings 2023). In which, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) has increased 150 places, entering the Top 401+ Best Universities in Asia. With this result, UEH has officially achieved the key goal for the period 2020-2030 in the development strategy of UEH towards becoming a Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University.



Increasing 150 places, entering the Top 401+ The Best Universities in Asia, soon completing the strategic goal of UEH Multidisciplinary and Sustainable development for the 2020-2030 period


In according to the results of QS Asia University Rankings 2023, among 760 Asian higher education institutions recorded, UEH has officially entered the Top 401+, increased by 150 places compared to that in 2022 and is among the few Vietnamese universities that are included in the rankings. The outstanding acceleration is due to the equivalent increase in terms of the criteria of academic reputation (30%), recruitment reputation (20%), Faculty/student ratio (10%), qualified lecturers at Ph.D. level (5%), international research network (10%), citations/articles ratio (10%), article/lecturer ratio (5%), international lecturers (2 .5%), international students (2.5%), outgoing exchange students (2.5%) and returning exchange students (2.5%).



UEH officially entering the Top 401+ Best Universities in Asia in accordance with QS Asia Ranking 2023


Inheriting and promoting the achievements achieved on the journey of the past 46 years, in 2021, UEH officially transforms, restructures and implements the strategy of becoming a multidisciplinary and sustainable University with 2 phases set out as follows:


 Phase 1 (2021 - 2025): Forming a multi-disciplinary and multi-major University in Economics, Business-Management, Social Science and Technology on the basis of restructuring University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) into a comprehensive university with 3 member Colleges including: UEH College of Business (COB); UEH College of Economics, Law and Government (CEGL); UEH College of Technology and Design (CTD).


● Phase 2 (2026 - 2030): UEH establishes UEH International College and upgrades UEH Vinh Long Branch into a University of the Mekong Delta region, promoting international training and expanding local development within Asia with a ranking in 500 Best Universities in Asia.


Today, UEH’s entry into The Top 401+ Of The Best Universities in Asia in 2023 has officially completed one of the key goals set out in the 2026-2030 period: realizing the vision of becoming a research-oriented University with a strong position in the region and the world by 2030. This not only demonstrates the strong efforts of the collective UEH but also, once again, affirms the strategy in terms of the multi-disciplinary, multi-major and sustainable development that UEH has been and will continue to deploy. This is the launching pad for the UEH strong transformation in the upcoming period.


“UEH has had 46 very successful years as a key University of Economics, Management and Law, constantly increasing our ranking position in the region and the world. Currently, UEH, in the changing context of the times, has been transforming strongly to become a Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University. With consensus and determination, UEH, today, has reached the finish line very early in one of many key goals, for the 2021-2030 period: To be one of The 400 Best Universities in Asia. This is a great achievement for our team. We do believe that, UEH, continuing to promote this spirit, will succeed as a multidisciplinary university with a strong academic reputation and sustainable action in Asia by 2030” is what Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dong Phong, Chairman of UEH University Council shared.


Quality of training and teaching: As the heart of UEH’s development strategy, regardless of any period


Accounted for 45% of the evaluation criteria of the QS ranking, Quality of training and teaching is a prerequisite ranking in terms of a higher education institution. It can be stated that the quality of training and teaching has always been at the heart of UEH’s development strategy at any stage in the 46-year journey. This is also the essentially core value that shapes each step and brings UEH to new positions, which is highly appreciated in the higher education system not only in Vietnam but also on an international scale.


Over the years, UEH’s training program has grown strongly in quantity while retaining our inherent quality position. With 32 Undergraduate university training programs; 20 Master training programs; more than 10 Doctoral training programs along with the diversity of short-term training and retraining courses, associated with market demand, reaching 88.52% of educational quality standards in accordance with the set of standards by the Ministry of Education and Training, 07 training programs of UEH meet AUN-QA standards as well as 04 training programs of UEH meet FIBAA standards.


Since 2021, UEH’s training activities have developed Multidisciplinary orientation in the direction of integrating interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary in each training field as well as expanded new training disciplines, related to Technology and Innovation. Some typical programs can be listed as: Smart and Creative urban management, Technology and Innovation.


UEH is comprised of a team of highly-qualified lecturers, many of whom are PhDs, Associate Professors, Professors trained at prestigious Universities in the country and around the world listed as Erasmus University (Rotterdam, The Netherlands), Western Sydney University (Australia), Seoul National University (Korea), Hasselt University (Belgium) and so much more. Recruitment criteria are always promoted and actively adjusted in accordance with each development period of UEH, in accordance with the requirements of improving the quality of the team and in accordance with the general regulations of the State listed as: professional qualifications, ethical qualities, teaching experience, scientific research, ability to use foreign languages, information technology application in professional work. In addition, the training and coaching regarding the upcoming generations of quality lecturers has been carried out continuously. At the present time, UEH has 125 officials and employees who are going on long-term training courses at home and abroad with the majority as in Doctoral training. In which, 71 officials are performing Doctoral degrees in Viet Nam; 29 officials as training Doctoral degrees abroad; 07 post-doctoral as training staff, research or exchange abroad.


Research “Research Contribution For All” - Research-oriented University associated with solving the social contemporary problems 


Accounted for 25% in the QS Ranking Index, Research strategy is indispensable for a University alongside Training strategy.


Since the very beginning, UEH has focused on becoming a research-oriented university, contributing to international academic research achievements; at the same time, associated with solving the social contemporary problems. With the leadership of UEH Board of Managers and the efforts of the entire staff, UEH has made strong strides in scientific research and international publication in both breadth and depth.


In the period from 2018 - 2021, the number of UEH articles and citations increased significantly, from 89 articles to 557 in accordance with the Scopus database. The number of articles by UEH authors published in Q1 and Q2 journals in the Scopus catalog accounted for 80.2%, in which Q1 journals accounted for 53% and steadily increased every year since 2017 to the present. The number of UEH articles published in the top 10% of the world’s leading journals accounted for 25.5% and continuously increased every year from 2017 to the present, higher than the average of Vietnam (21.7%). UEH’s average Field-Weighted Citation Impact is 2.13. In addition, the rate of international cooperation in scientific publications of UEH reached 49.4% in the period 2017-2021. Specifically, UEH has collaborated with 73 countries around the world, publishing 595 articles.


UEH’s policy of international publication cooperation aims to enhance the quality of international publication, along with internal research resources and international cooperation experience in scientific research of UEH lecturers.


In March 2022, the Asian Journal of Economic and Business Research under UEH (JABES) officially became the first Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Business and Management in Viet Nam, to be recognized in the list of prestigious journals in the SCOPUS Directory after more-than-30-year efforts. This achievement has contributed to increasing the scientific reputation, affirming the publishing quality and enhancing the recognition in the domestic and international academic community of JABES in particular and UEH in general; at the same time, expanding the network of links with domestic and foreign scientists.


Carrying out the mission of transferring knowledge and contributing to the sustainable development of the society, over the past time, UEH has implemented the program “Academic brand” - spreading research and applied knowledge to the community with the message “Research Contribution For All”. Up to now, more than 40 practical applied research topics in 3 areas of top concerning the 4.0 era including: Digital Economy, Smart Government, and Innovation, led by the UEH lecturers together with domestic and foreign experts and scientists, have been published and widely shared with the community. These practical actions not only bring UEH academic brand further but also spread intellectual values ​​closer to society, contributing to solving contemporary problems towards sustainable development.


Reputation for higher education, diverse career opportunities for learners


Along with training activities, recruitment reputation (accounting for 20%) is an important criterion indicating the quality of a higher education institution.


Being the reputation of training high-quality human resources to meet the needs of the market, which has been proven during the past time, the brand “graduates from University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City – UEH” has always been recognized by diverse business companies that highly appreciated and welcomed. Along with that, the effort to connect the network of more than 125 leading international educational institutions; 500 prestigious enterprises and professional associations; 240,000 alumni (UEH Alumni) and so on has been a bridge to bring more career opportunities to generations of UEH students.


What is more special, through meaningful and practical programs carried out throughout and annually listed as: Connecting the community - Spreading knowledge - Sustainable action, Giving to UEH, Internship and Employment Day in Ho Chi Minh City and so on, UEH’s recruitment reputation has greatly enhanced, helping students to orient their careers, cultivate practical integration skills, access job opportunities and create favorable conditions for businesses to promote. brand to society, recruiting high-quality young human resources.


Strategy for internationalization: efforts to create a global learning and cultural exchange environment


University internationalization strategy is considered an indispensable criterion, accounting for 10% of the weight of the evaluation criteria set of the QS rankings.


Implementing the Multidisciplinary and Sustainable strategy, aiming to train high-quality human resources ready for global integration and competition in the world labor market, UEH, in the last 5 years, has promoted our activities regarding internationalization of training programs through the development and selection of advanced training programs of The Top 200 Universities in the world. Concurrently, developing international joint training programs to help students access to standard study programs from prestigious Universities in the world, supporting students to save study costs and to expand career opportunities. through international qualifications listed as: Western Sydney Bachelor Program (link between ISB-UEH and Western Sydney University, Australia), Global Pathways Program, etc. or attracting numerous international students to participate in Master, Doctor training programs in English medium with attractive scholarship policies.


What is more, UEH focuses on creating a global learning and cultural exchange environment for generations of students through practical programs listed as the UEH International Day with the participation of more than 3,000 UEH students, together with international students listed as Laos, Cambodia, Korea, Germany, Japan and so on as well as foreign lecturers teaching at UEH and in Ho Chi Minh city.


With the internationalization strategy, UEH has been building an international brand, attracting domestic and foreign learners, providing a multinational environment, facilitating cross-cultural communication, and developing soft skills that are increasingly valuable to employers.


Participating in University Rankings demonstrates UEH proactive integration with higher education in the region and the world, and helps UEH affirm international recognition for our constant efforts in quality in terms of education, research, tectonic activities, community connection, knowledge spread, etc. on the path of Multidisciplinary and Sustainable development. Today’s positive results are the driving force for UEH to move forward, successfully transforming itself into a multi-disciplinary, multi-major and sustainable University with research orientation, continuing to rank up in the international arena with increased presence on prestigious rankings.


* Information regarding QS rankings


The Quacquarelli Symonds World University Rankings (in English: QS World University Rankings) is an annual ranking of Universities in the world by the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) Educational Organization - United Kingdom. This is evaluated as one of the most prestigious and influential rankings in the world.


The QS Asia Ranking 2023 evaluates the quality of higher education institutions based on the following 11 criteria with different proportions:

● Academic Reputation (30%).

● Reputation for recruitment (20%).

● Lecturer/student ratio (10%).

● Lecturers with Doctorate degrees (5%)

● International Research Network (10%): Cooperation with international scientists, the number of international scientific articles.

● Rate of citations/articles (10%)

● Article/Lecturer ratio (5%)

● International lecturers (2.5%)

● International students (2.5%)

● Outgoing exchange students (2.5%)

● Received exchange students (2.5%)


*Please view more details regarding QS Asia Ranking 2023 at .


News, photos: UEH Department of Marketing – Communication