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UEH held an event to announce the results of programs accredited and awarded by FIBAA

UEH held an event to announce the results of programs accredited and awarded by FIBAA

With the aim of initiating an internationalization strategy of academic and research activities and especially educational quality assurance activities at regional and international standards in order to meet the requirements of higher education quality for learners and society; the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) routinely performs self-accreditation and closely follows education quality assurance requirements of prestigious national and international accreditation organizations.

This year, UEH had the honor to receive Educational Quality Accreditation Certificate from the Ministry of Education and Training and AUN Quality Assessment Certificate for two specialized training programs in Management and Accounting at university level. Additionally, from 10th to 12th of May, 2017, UEH welcomed an international education quality accreditation delegation from FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation) for the assessment of four UEH training programs. On September 14th 2017, FIBAA Foundation Council recognized all four UEH programs at FIBAA standards and until September 14th, 2022.

To celebrate this landmark, in the morning of October 31st, 2017, at Campus 59C Nguyen Dinh Chieu, UEH solemnly held an event to announce the programs accredited and awarded by FIBAA, including the following four programmes: Master Program in Development Economics under the graduate joint-program of UEH and Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands; Master of Business Administration; Bachelor of Business Administration of the International School of Business; and Bachelor of International Business under the School of International Business – Marketing. This is a crucial milestone in UEH’s plan towards international education quality integration.

Attending the conference, on the guests’ side was Dr. Heinz-Ulrich Schmidt – Special Representatives of FIBAA; Dr. Ngo Manh Hai -  Deputy Director of Department of Personnel and Organization, Ministry of Education and Training; Mr. Pham Ngoc Thanh – Deputy Director of HCMC Department of Education; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Doan Thi Minh Trinh – Former Director, Department of Higher Education Vietnam National University - HCMC; Representatives of enterprise; Professional associations which are UEH partners; Alumni and media agencies. On UEH side, Prof. Nguyen Dong Phong - President; Dr. Tran The Hoang - Chairman of UEH University Council; Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Ngoc Dinh - Chairman of UEH Consulting University Council; Assoc. Prof. Phan Thi Bich Nguyet - Vice President, Prof. Nguyen Trong Hoai – Vice President, Prof. Nguyen Huu Huy Nhut – Vice President; M.A Bui Quang Viet - Chairman of UEH Labor Union, and Heads of the Departments, Schools, Institutes and Centers attached to the University.

FIBAA stands as a quality assurance organization of the Swiss government, with two representative agencies located in Bonn city, Germany and Zurich city, Switzerland. FIBAA accreditation organization operates globally and utilize international European accreditation standards assigned by 48 nations. To complete the accreditation process, all four UEH programmes met over 50 FIBAA criteria, and noticeably, most criteria achieved by the 4 UEH programs mentioned above pass the basis international threshold of FIBAA.

UEH training program quality, evaluated according to the MOET national standard (2nd cycle) in 2016, reached the pass rate of 88.5%. Additionally, the training quality of many of UEH programmes met the national standards of AUN and international standards of FIBAA.

UEH is now a member of the ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance (AUN-QA). Beside programmes of FIBAA standards, UEH has designed 3 university training programs for Finance-Banking, Accounting and Management which meet the regional standard according to AUN-QA. Besides, UEH is making effort in conducting the internationalization strategy towards academic and research activities, research and realizing the importance of education quality assurance activities at regional and international level for educational facilities and academic  programs. Therefore, in the near future, UEH will conduct accreditation according to other international standards such as International School of Business (ISB) department accreditation based on AACSB International standards, EQUIS or FIBAA accreditation for all UEH training facilities, and for the upcoming event, UEH will apply for the education quality accreditation from AUN-QA Organization in April 2017 with the aim of proving our education quality at international level.

Media agencies:

  • Education and Era newspapers: 
  • Xaluan.com: 
  • Vietnam Economic new: 

Whole view of the event

Prof. Nguyen Dong Phong making a speech

Dr. Heinz-Ulrich Schmidt evaluating the process of quality accreditation at UEH

Prof. Nguyen Trong Hoai introducing about training program accreditation according to FIBAA standards in UEH

Prof. Nguyen Dong Phong and Dr. Heinz-Ulrich Schmidt rewarding certificates and flowers towards teams with exceptional results in accreditation process

Four programs accredited and awarded by FIBAA

Prof. Nguyen Dong Phong rewarding certificates towards teams with exceptional results in accreditation process.

Dr. Tran The Hoang rewarding certificates towards individuals with exceptional results in accreditation process

Prof. Nguyen Dong Phong give souvernir gifts to Dr. Heinz-Ulrich Schmidt

The delegates taking photos together

Source: Department of Communications and Public Relations.