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UEH News

UEH spreads warmth and love during the Covid-19 pandemic

UEH spreads warmth and love during the Covid-19 pandemic

After nearly 02 years of "fighting" with the Covid-19 pandemic, the University of Economics of Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) has understood the difficulties and hardships that learners and their families face. Therefore, besides actively innovating and improving the quality of training activities following the pandemic context, UEH always focuses on accompanying and sharing with students, helping them overcome difficulties to move firmly on the road ahead. In that spirit, over the past time, in addition to promoting the implementation of financial support solutions such as tuition fee exemption, reduction policies, and scholarship programs, UEH also strives to carry out support activities in terms of necessities and medical supplies in line with the current urgent needs, helping learners overcome certain obstacles during the Covid-19 season.

Support students at Dormitory 135A Tran Hung Dao during 21 days of isolation

The gifts are sent to students of Dormitory 135A

As soon as receiving the notice of blockade of Dormitory 135A due to a suspected case of Covid-19, UEH quickly provided necessary medical supplies for epidemic prevention such as: hand sanitizer, antibacterial saline, masks, vitamin C, medicine for fever/abdominal pain, wind oil, etc. In addition, the University also supports meals during the isolation period as well as some necessities for daily living according to each learner, such as washing powder, toilet paper, toothpaste, brush, conditioner, shampoo, shower gel, shaving gel, etc. In particular, to help international students boarding at dormitory 135A relieve their homesickness, UEH donates necessities and sends special dishes from their home country and books to learn about Vietnamese culture, history, country, and people.

With dedication and thoughtfulness, UEH teachers have prepared gender-appropriate gifts and continued to provide additional batches of food reserves such as instant noodles, sausages, oolong tea, fruit, trees, cakes... UEH believes that the wholehearted support will partly encourage students' spirit, bring warmth, and help students feel secure in complying with the regulations during the quarantine period.

DSA preparing necessary items to send to students of Dormoitory 135A

Support students in the implementation of Directive 16

During the implementation of the social distancing order under Directive 16 of the Prime Minister, all food and beverage shops are closed, people only go out when necessary. It has made many students living in the city, and dormitories, fall into a difficult situation when they cannot work part-time, cannot cook, and find abundant food supplies as before. Therefore, to take care of and support students' lives during this time, UEH continues to provide free meals, support to order rice and give instant noodles, drinking water, disinfecting water, masks, and medicines,… for boarding students in two dormitories. In addition,  UEH conducted a survey to find out their current situation and needs to have practical support solutions for students who are outpatients in Ho Chi Minh City. Accordingly, more than 700 gifts, including necessities such as rice, eggs, cereals, fish sauce,... and especially hard-to-find green food sources such as fresh fruits and vegetables, were delivered to 100% needed students.

UEH's understanding and timely support solutions have helped boarding and outpatient students in Ho Chi Minh City safe at home to fight the epidemic and overcome this difficult period with the government.


Photos of students receiving gifts from UEH

Support online experience programs

With the spirit to transform challenges into opportunities, UEH orients students to use social distancing time in a rewarding way through a series of soft skills programs with practical topics, such as Health - Physical and mental harmony, Changing mindsets - Mastering your life, Effective goal management and planning. These classes are held online, which has attracted a lot of attention from students, proving that this direction is suitable for the context of the pandemic season, helping students take the initiative, use time meaningfully through updating and adding new knowledge and skills for themselves. 

In addition, within the framework of activities of the English Park - UEH English Zone, to improve English skills for learners and officials, the University organized a series of thematic reports in English with a variety of topics combining from theory such as: "Understanding yourself, to love learning", to practice such as "Skills of CV writing, interviewing, presentation in English". Besides, UEH also organizes in-depth seminars on "Segmental analysis skills in exams such as IELTS, GMAT and GRE" for students and officials. Furthermore, through online English support activities, the University has helped UEHers improve their language skills as well as plan to conquer their personal development and career advancement goals.

Partners who have accompanied UEH

In addition to the funding from UEH, the University's Trade Union, and the contributions of UEH teachers, the past support activities were more abundant and more complete when there was consensus and assistance from the units, individuals outside. Through this, the University would like to thank our partners Masan, Unilever, Pepsico Food, Bun Bo Ganh, APT, Mondelez Kinh Do, UEH alumni from time to time,... Although facing severe effects of the pandemic, they still pay attention to UEH students during the recent difficult period. In the coming time, the University will continue to receive support from units and individuals to organize humane, practical, and timely activities for students, join hands with the whole country to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic.

Interesting sharing and feelings from UEH students

When receiving the heart from the UEHers community, the students were delighted and highly proud of their beloved UEH. Here are some sharings from them.


With practical and timely support activities, UEH hopes to spread positive energy, helping students start the new semester with much determination and complete their goal of conquering knowledge. Additionally, the University also hopes that all UEHers will continue to make efforts, adapt to the pandemic context, and fulfill the dual goals of controlling the pandemic and ensuring that the university's operations run smoothly and stably.

UEH always accompanies and shares with learners through practical and meaningful activities. In case units and individuals wish to continue with UEH to support difficult learners who need urgent help, please get in touch with the Department of Student Affairs, Hotline: 028.7306.1976 or Email: [email protected]. We will connect and discuss to propose the most suitable solutions.

News, photos: Department of Student Affairs, Department of Marketing and Communication