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UEH News

UEH Students Officially Coming Back to Direct Learning Format at Campuses

UEH Students Officially Coming Back to Direct Learning Format at Campuses

On the morning of February 15th, 2022, students of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) officially backed to the direct learning format at Campuses in the “new normal” condition. On this occasion, UEH Board of Management visited and inspected direct learning and teaching activities as well as safety-assurance duties at UEH Campuses.

At UEH Nguyen Van Linh, Prof. Su Dinh Thanh - President of UEH and Heads of Departments/ Functions visited and inspected direct learning and teaching activities.

Prof. Su Dinh Thanh - UEH President leading the inspectorate at UEH Nguyen Van Linh Campus

At UEH Nguyen Tri Phuong, Dr. Bui Quang Hung - Vice President of UEH and Heads of Departments/ Functions visited, inspected direct learning and teaching activities

Dr. Bui Quang Hung - Vice President of UEH leading the inspectorate at UEH Nguyen Tri Phuong Campus

The inspectorate visited and inspected the statement of teaching and learning on the first day coming back to direct learning. Besides, that is the safety assurance, enter-exit process, and Covid-19 pandemic prevention tasks at UEH Campuses. Therefore, the inspectorate has timely recommended some adjustments to benefit the best conditions assuring the direct teaching-learning format to take place smoothly, considerately, and safely, allowing successfully reaching the targets of the new semester.

Prof. Su Dinh Thanh - President of UEH shared: “After a long time making plans preparing all businesses, learners in full-time, 2nd-degree, transferred, part-time and postgraduate modes can officially back to studying directly at HCMC and Vinh Long Campuses. This is a huge amusement of all UEH-ers since they can unify after a long time. In addition to that, there are new requirements obligating us in all direct teaching and learning matters in the “new normal” condition to assure safety. After the process of examining this morning, we can see that direct teaching and learning activities as well as the safety assurance mission at UEH Campuses satisfied the demands of lecturers and students. Facilities, classroom equipment listed as computers, projectors, sounds, air-conditioners, lights, and so on, are set up sufficiently. Besides, lecturers and students obey strictly enter-exit and pandemic-prevention regulations, distancing in classes, wearing face masks, using sanitizer, and so on. On this basis, UEH will continue to improve and initiate best conditions for lecturers and learners to assure the direct learning occurs smoothly and most effectively.”

Welcoming a new academic year and seeing each other again due to the pandemic, lots of students were enjoyable and excited to share their future plans.

“The first time backing to school after a long time studying online, my friends and I are so joyful and my targets are to pass my subjects and gain a good result for this semester. For me, when coming to school, I truly rely on the safety assurance of UEH for students to back to learning.” - Le Ngoc Khanh, K47 Accounting major.

“After a half year studying online, today I go to school and so excited about meeting and first time seeing each other because I am a new student of K47. In the new academic year, I hope us to be closer friends and absolutely pass all subjects” - Nguyen Thi Hong Khanh, K47 Accounting major.

Thuy Hanh - a K45 specializing in Finance: “Today, UEH is so bustle, which is different from the online learning atmosphere which is quite boring, both students and lecturers are amazed. I hope this offline learning will allow me to interact more with lecturers, which improves my final results and I will accomplish the upcoming targets as my graduation”.

Students officially coming back to direct learning at UEH Campuses

At UEH Vinh Long Campus, students officially backed to offline learning as well. This Campus planned and carried out greatly the tasks of preparing sufficiently machines and devices, facilities and safety assurance for lecturers and students teaching and learning directly at the Campus.

Le Anh Duy - Student K46 majoring in Corporate Accounting at Vinh Long Campus shared: “I am really delighted and interested in back to school after a long time off because of the pandemic. Returning to studying offline, I set up a goal which is gaining high marks in the new academic year”.

Le Ho Kieu Tien - Student K47 studying Corporate Accounting at Vinh Long Campus shared: “Stepping from senior high school level to higher education is a new mark to me because there are a new environment, new learning methods, and new friends. I am so excited about coming back to school to have new opportunities to experience all the new things of a new student. Entering this academic year, I desire to study well progressive subjects and attend many activities organized by UEH”.

Students at Vinh Long Campus studying directly

For UEH students living at the dormitory of UEH Vinh Long Campus, we organize a welcoming day for them on 2 days - February 12th-13th, 2022 to settle down. The Management of Board of the Dormitory instructed students to use facilities equipped there as well as orientate them towards the regulation of the dormitory.

Sharing his emotion when coming to school and checking in a room at the dormitory, Pham Nguyen Hong Quan - K47 Banking 2 - informed: “First time living far from home and family to study makes me bewildered, however, when going to school and feeling the care of lecturers and friends, I am less worried and more secure to live in the dormitory to involve in studying. UEH facilitates me with cleaned rooms having sufficiently devices serving my living at the dormitory, I am extremely happy and thankful to the lecturers”.

Parents taking their children to Vinh Long Campus to check-in rooms at the dormitory

Welcoming a new academic year with new success, UEH will always initiate the best conditions for teaching and learning jobs to take place smoothly. UEH hopes all lecturers and students join hands and together conduct effectively teaching, learning in the new academic year as well as assure the Covid-19 prevention mission.

Additional photos:

News, photos: Department of Marketing and Communication