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Vinh Long Campus - 3 years affirming UEH’s position and mission in training high-quality human resources for the Mekong Delta region

Vinh Long Campus - 3 years affirming UEH’s position and mission in training high-quality human resources for the Mekong Delta region

After 3 years of operation, the Campus of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City in Vinh Long Province (UEH Vinh Long) has been affirming UEH’s position and mission in training high-quality human resources, contributing to the sustainable development of the Mekong Delta with UEH’s strategy to become a Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University. On the occasion of the 46th anniversary of UEH's establishment (October 27, 1976 - October 27, 2022), let's look back at the impressive achievements that Vinh Long Campus has achieved after 3 years of establishment and development.


Vinh Long Campus - The imprint of establishment and operation orientation


On December 4, 2019, the Ministry of Education and Training decided to establish the Campus of University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City in Vinh Long Province according to Decision No. 4655/QD-BGDDT. Vinh Long Campus was born with the mission: Training high-quality human resources for the Mekong Delta and the whole country; scientific research and transfer in the fields of socio-economic, impacts of climate change, environmental protection; serving economic development, start-ups, innovation, policy criticism to contribute to the development of the Mekong Delta.


Implementing the project to restructure UEH into a Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University with a vision to 2025 is to upgrade Vinh Long Campus into a UEH-affiliated University in the Mekong Delta region, promoting international training, and widely developing locals. After nearly 3 years of establishment and development, with the right orientation, Vinh Long Campus has made remarkable changes in all fields, gradually affirming UEH's mission and brand in the Mekong Delta region and throughout the country, becoming a prestigious and quality training address, providing key human resources not only for the Mekong Delta region but also the whole country.



The Ministry of Education and Training deciding to establish the Campus of the University of Economics in Ho Chi Minh City in Vinh Long province


Recruitment - training activities: Impressive numbers


More than 7,500 learners is the total training scale Vinh Long Campus achieved only after nearly 3 years of establishment, in which, the formal University training system has more than 1,200 students:


In the first year of establishment, the Campus welcomed the first full-time University course with 230 new students - this is the potential future human resources of 13 Provinces in the Mekong Delta in the fields of Economics and Agribusiness, Business Administration, International Business, Banking, Corporate Accounting, and E-Commerce.


In the second year - 2021, UEH University’s regular University training scale would increase to nearly 800 students with 10 training majors for the Mekong Delta region, including Accounting, Finance - Banking, Business Administration, Business International business, Agribusiness, E-commerce, Marketing, Economic law, Management of Tourism and Travel services, English Linguistics.


In the third year - 2022, the scale of training increased to 11 majors, including Accounting, Finance - Banking, Business Administration, International Business, Agribusiness, E-commerce, Marketing, Economic Law, Tourism and Travel Service Management, English Linguistics, Logistics and Supply Chain Management. The campus welcomed 472 new K48 students, bringing the total scale of university training of the campus after nearly 3 years to 1,272 students.



Opening Ceremony of K46 - The first Regular University Course at Vinh Long Campus


In addition to enrolling for formal university training, with the mission of training high-quality human resources for the Mekong Delta region, the branch is a prestigious graduate training address in addition to enrolling Undergraduate students in the following majors: Finance - Banking; Economic Management; Economic Statistics; Management; Economic Law; Business Administration; Accounting; Valuation. The scale of graduate training is constantly increasing year by year, the total scale of graduate training at Vinh Long Campus, up to now, has reached 367 students.


Simultaneously, Vinh Long Branch Campus implements other University training programs listed as part-time university mode, transfer and training programs - fostering capacity in modern management associated with practice, management for the team of leaders, officials, employees of agencies and businesses according to local requirements and the problems of the times under the impact of the 4th industrial revolution. After nearly 3 years, the total scale of training courses at Vinh Long Campus reached more than 6,000 learners.




Opening of Master and short-term training courses at Vinh Long Campus


With the motto “Study at Vinh Long Campus with equal UEH quality and degree”, Vinh Long Campus always makes constant efforts to fulfill that commitment to society. Since its establishment, the Campus has focused on receiving and implementing 100% of the advanced program systems, along with quality training processes and standards from the Main Campus. 100% of the classes at the Campus are taught by a team of senior, highly qualified instructors, with advanced and dedicated teaching methods from UEH Main Campus. The campus also applies unified and standardized student assessment criteria according to UEH and publicizes assessment criteria for learners to strive for.


Substantial improvements creating a quality learning environment


With the goal of creating maximum conditions for students studying at Vinh Long Campus to experience learning conditions similar to those at the Main Campus in Ho Chi Minh City, over the past 3 years, the Campus has invested in upgrading 100% of the facilities from lecture halls, theoretical and practical classrooms, libraries, network infrastructure systems, wifi to dormitories, guest houses, hotels, etc., according to modern standards, creating a high-quality learning environment, meeting the needs of learners.




The significantly improved learning environment


Along with the main lessons to learn professional knowledge in the lecture hall, UEH students at Vinh Long Campus are also given the maximum conditions to practice comprehensive development, improve themselves, and nurture their thinking, starting a business through a series of rich and diverse activities listed as Startup Incubators, Student Cooperatives, Student Clubs, Campus Rotation Program, etc.



Marketing Research Club



Students of Vinh Long Campus participating in campus rotation activities at UEH Ho Chi Minh City Campus




Start-up Coffee and Mini Mart inauguration at Vinh Long Campus


Proud strides in scientific research


In the 3-year journey of establishment, Vinh Long Campus has made proud strides in the field of scientific research. With more than 170 scientific research works by Schools, employees and students, the Campus has published in prestigious domestic and international journals including 21 scientific research topics at all levels; 30 international scientific articles; 107 domestic scientific articles; 16 scientific research topics among students participating in the “UEH-CV 2022 Young Researcher Award” and so on. 


In addition, the Campus has successfully organized more than 10 seminars, including 01 international conference and 04 regional seminars listed as the international conference “Sustainable Mekong Workshop Series (SM)”; Workshop “The role of Science, Technology & Innovation activities in economic growth in Vinh Long Province in the context of the 4.0 Revolution”; “Green credit in the Mekong Delta: Opportunities, challenges and development trends”; “Digital Transformation in Education for Sustainable Development in the Mekong Delta”; “Climate Change Adaptation Policy in the Mekong Delta”; “Output for agricultural products in the Mekong Delta Provinces”;…




Workshops held at Vinh Long Campus


Strengthening cooperation, sharing, and connecting businesses


Implementing the goal of contributing to the sustainable development of the Mekong Delta, Vinh Long Campus has constantly made efforts to connect, strengthen cooperation and share with organizations, individuals, and units inside and outside the region. In particular, the most significant activity is supporting high schools to improve teaching and learning quality through the UEH Global Learning Community Project, which has been implemented since March 2021. This is a program to transfer the UEH Global Online Learning System for free to middle and high schools in the Mekong Delta region and to the whole country. Within the framework of the program, UEH Vinh Long Campus organized training sessions on how to use the system, and training on “Designing electronic teaching”. The training programs have attracted Lecturers - Teachers of 477 schools with 2,916 people in Mekong Delta Provinces (257 Preschool teachers; 589 Primary school teachers; 1,279 Middle school teachers; 787 High-school teachers. ; 05 College and University teachers) and received positive feedback from the teachers.


In addition, with the system of “Mock Graduation Exam - Understanding Competence” - the online high-school graduation exam review system on UEH Global Learning has been deployed by Vinh Long Campus for 150 high-schools in the Mekong Delta. Thereby, high school students, especially Grade-12 students, can self-study and self-assess their knowledge level, better prepare for the annual high school graduation exam. In addition, the training program on “Start-up and Innovation” organized by Vinh Long Campus in collaboration with the UEH Institute of Innovation (UII) for 130 teachers in charge of entrepreneurship consulting in high schools, middle schools, centers of vocational education in Vinh Long province has helped teachers to discover, foster and evaluate effective start-up ideas and projects in schools.



Free transfer of UEH Global Online Learning System to middle and high schools in the Mekong Delta region



Students learning and using the system of “Mock graduation exam - Understanding competence”


In the field of training cooperation and international cooperation, in recent years, Vinh Long Campus has achieved more positive results when signing MOUs with 26 units of schools, banks, and enterprises; welcomed many international delegations and experts to exchange cooperation, visit and work at the Campus and more than 117 students (including 15 Korean students) of the Institute of Smart Cities and Management (ISCM) studying in Ho Chi Minh City to study and exchange knowledge at the Campus.



Welcoming international guests to visit and work at Vinh Long Campus


Being ready for Multidisciplinary and Sustainable UEH


After more than 3 years of establishment and development, Vinh Long Campus has made breakthroughs in all fields, becoming a modern training institution, raising prestige and quality, and reaching international standards. In fact, strictly implementing the commitment of University of Economics of Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) and society in training high-quality human resources; research and transfer of scientific knowledge; promoting innovation, criticizing policies to contribute to the development of the Mekong Delta region in particular and the whole country in general. The achievements of Vinh Long Campus in the past 3 years are clear evidence of the development orientation of Vinh Long Campus on the upcoming journey: becoming a University under UEH University, and contributing to the general development strategy of UEH University.


UEH has been through 46 years full of achievements. Entering a new stage with the restructuring strategy to form a Multidisciplinary and Sustainable University is an important journey for the development of UEH, a requirement of the global era context is the mission of contributing to human knowledge and UEH's responsibility to society and the country. Therefore, with the determination and consensus of the entire UEHer community, with the important role of the member colleges and Vinh Long Campus, we will work together to achieve the same expectations and results as previous generations.


News, photos: Vinh Long Campus, UEH Department of Marketing and Communication