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“Public-sector Human Resources for the Mekong Delta” Seminar and “UEH Mekong 2030” program introduction towards high-quality public sector human resource training with a vision to 2030

“Public-sector Human Resources for the Mekong Delta” Seminar and “UEH Mekong 2030” program introduction towards high-quality public sector human resource training with a vision to 2030

On August 27, 2022 at Vinh Long Branch, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City (UEH) held “Public-sector Human Resources for the Mekong Delta” Seminar and officially launched the “UEH Mekong 2030” Program with the desire to train high-quality public sector human resources for the future, specifically for the 13 Provinces in the Mekong Delta (Mekong Delta).

On June 18, 2022, the Government approved Resolution No. 78 - Promulgating the Government’s action plan to implement Resolution No. 13/NQ-TW of the Vietnamese Politburo regarding socio-economic development and national defense and security assurance in the Mekong Delta until 2030, with a vision to 2045. To be more specific, the Mekong Delta’s average growth target in the 2021-2030 period is approximately 6.5-7% per year, the size of the economy is up to in 2030 will be 2-2.5 times higher than that in 2021. The proportion of agriculture, forestry and fishery in the total income in the area (GRDP) is approximately 20%, industry - construction approximately 32%, services approximately 46%, taxes and subsidies approximately 2%. The annual income in the Mekong Delta is approximately 146 million VND per person a year.
With the purpose of achieving the above goal, the Vietnamese Communist Party and the State have specifically identified one of the important tasks of the Mekong Delta region as “Building a contingent of cadres, civil servants and public employees with political bravery and high professionalism, being dynamic, creativeness, especially the team of leaders and managers at all levels. Promoting administrative reform and developing E-government towards one digital government, digital economy and digital society, smart city. Enhanncing the responsibility of the leader; protecting cadres who dare to innovate, be creative, dare to think, dare to do, dare to take responsibility for the common good besides arousing the dedication spirit of cadres, civil servants and public employees”.
Understanding the challenges of the Mekong Delta, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City University (UEH), with our social responsibility and being as a key public University of Vietnam, wishes to contribute a part towards sustainable development promotion for the Mekong Delta in particular and the whole country in general through the development and implementation of training programs, especially training high-quality human resources for the public sector of the Mekong Delta.
Realizing our responsibilities, on August 27, UEH officially organized “Public-sector Human Resources for the Mekong Delta” Seminar with the purpose of sharing researches, discussions, and exchanges regarding the needs of public health services so as to establish high-quality human resources in the public sector for the fields of economy, society, environment, urban development, and innovation in the Mekong Delta. From this foundation, identifying responsibilities and coordinating the implementation of the public sector human resource development plan between UEH and localities. With this urgency, the seminar was enthusiastically responded with the participation of more than 40 valued delegates of the Central Committee, the Provincial People’s Committee in addition to the representatives of the Vinh Long Province-affiliated Departments, Units and Branches.

The overview of the seminar 

Speaking at the opening of the seminar, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dong Phong - Secretary of UEH Party Committee, Chairman of UEH University Council - stated: “To accompany the Provinces in the Mekong Delta region in implementing high-quality human resource training in the public sector for socio-economic fields. As a result of the successful implementation of Resolution No. 13 of the Politburo, UEH organized a seminar on “Public-sector human resources for the Mekong Delta”. Our UEH University is completely pleased and honored to welcome the valued leaders to attend the seminar at Vinh Long Branch to exchange and discuss the training of high-quality human resources for the public sector. This is also the first seminar on training after Resolution 13 of the Politburo, especially, receiving high consensus from localities to appoint leaders to participate in the Steering Committee of the program on training high-quality human resources in the public sector with a vision to 2030 for the Mekong Delta region to coordinate the successful implementation of this program. In addition to training, UEH has a regional development consulting and research program. Our UEH University is looking forward to cooperating with localities in the region for research and development consulting.”

Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dong Phong - Secretary of UEH Party Committee, Chairman of UEH University Council - delivering the opening speech

Appreciating the seminar, Mr. Lu Quang Ngoi - Deputy Secretary, Chairman of Vinh Long Provincial People’s Committee - emphasized: “The seminar is an initial step in building a strategy for human resource development to achieve the goal of developing the local socio-economic and that of the Mekong Delta region. I would like to thank the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, Vinh Long Branch took the initiative to organize this seminar to jointly find out solutions to develop and to train high-quality human resources for the public sector. Vinh Long Province will join with other Provinces in the region to be highly determined towards implementing these solutions as a basis to build, to promote and to boost the quality of the public sector in the most effective way for the development strategy of the Mekong Delta to the year 2030.”

Mr. Lu Quang Ngoi - Deputy Secretary, Chairman of Vinh Long Provincial People’s Committee - giving a speech

At the seminar, delegates and leaders of the Provinces in the Mekong Delta region focused on discussing three main issues: (1) Analyzing the current situation of human resources in the Mekong Delta, especially human resources for State management; (2) In the future, the Mekong Delta will transform the socio-economic development model towards climate change adaptation, smart economy and international integration. What will be the demand for high-quality human resources for state management and the public sector? In which specific areas are quantity and quality features needed? (3) Approaches and solutions associated with training high-quality human resources should be suitable to the characteristics of the Mekong Delta region in order to create a solid foundation for the process of transforming the economic development model to achieve the economy, society and environment objectives introduced in Resolution 13/NQ-TW of the Vietnamese Politburo.

Delegates presenting their presentations and contributing ideas
In particular, within the framework of this seminar, UEH officially launched the “UEH Mekong 2030” Program - a human resource training program dedicated to 13 Provinces in the Mekong Delta with the purpose of providing the high-quality source of middle and senior management staff with innovative and creative thinking, integrating technology, aiming for sustainable development as important factors in implementing the goals of Resolution No. 13 on the direction of socio-economic development, preserving ensuring national defense and security in the Mekong Delta by 2030, with a vision to 2045. The program is designed on the basis of UEH’s advanced training programs in the public sector, associated with practice and development orientation in the Mekong Delta within the context of international integration and Industry 4.0 with 05 training pillars as follows:
(1) Planning and implementing sustainable development policies for the Region in the direction of increasing the application of science-technology, digital technology, innovation, digital economy development, green economy, circulatory economy effectively exploiting the region’s competitive advantages.
(2) Planning and implementing regional development strategies, organizing and managing public organizations to carry out local development strategic tasks.
(3) Planning and developing a smart-sustainable city in line with the development trend of the region, ensuring a comprehensive, ecological, civilized and sustainable development, imbued with the agricultural cultural identity. 
(4) Planning and implementing environmental policies associated with sustainable development, effectively using natural resources, especially land and water resources, protecting the environment, proactively responding to natural disasters and climate change.
(5) Planning a competitive strategy based on innovation, technology application and digital transformation.
In accordance with these 5 pillars, “UEH Mekong 2030” will implement 05 training programs including: Master Program in Public Policy; Master Program Master in Public Management; Master Program in Smart and Innovative Urban Management; Master Program in Economics and Environmental Management; Technology and Innovation Program (for Undergraduate and short-term courses).
With the importance and practical significance, “UEH Mekong 2030” Program will be implemented at UEH Vinh Long Branch under the coordination and the direction of the leadership from University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City and Leaders of 13 Provinces in the Mekong Delta in developing a roadmap for training, fostering, planning and selecting suitable candidates; concurrently, mobilizing the resources of the State and of the society to effectively implement training, for the sustainable development of the Mekong Delta in the future.

Launching the UEH Mekong Steering Committee 2030

At the same time, at the seminar, Prof. Dr. Su Dinh Thanh - UEH President - officially announced the opening of the Senior Master of Public Policy Management in the Mekong Delta with 44 excellent graduate students from 9 Provinces/Cities including: Long An, Tien Giang, Ben Tre, Vinh Long, Can Tho, Dong Thap, Soc Trang, An Giang, Kien Giang. In which, 22 students are leaders and managers of Departments, Units and equivalent or higher at the management agencies of the Party, the State, Provincial Departments, Provincial Units and Provincial Branches. That shows the learners’ high trust and confidence in UEH’s training quality. He emphasized: “During the training process, the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City as well as Vinh Long Branch will always accompany, support and create the best favorable conditions for these learners to study with peace of mind to achieve high results. After completing the graduate training program, these Masters will better promote their role in the practical work of agencies, organizations and management units. Having enough professional knowledge and solid courage continues to contribute their wisdom and efforts to develop the Mekong Delta to become richer and more beautiful.”

Prof. Dr. Su Dinh Thanh - UEH President - announcing the opening of the Senior Executive Master Class in Public Policy in the Mekong Delta

As a key national University, with nearly 47 years of history and restructuring to become a multidisciplinary and sustainable development University, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City always put our role in the development of the country. Therefore, over the past time, UEH has always improved the quality of human resource training and promoted research and consulting activities for regional development. With its own efforts and potential, UEH is committed to effectively implementing “UEH Mekong 2030” Program - building high-quality human resources in the public sector of the Mekong Delta with a vision to 2030.

Delegates taking memorable photos
Additional photos at the Seminar:

New, photos: Department of Marketing and Communication